/> indonesian stories

Saturday, March 23, 2019


   Kalicilik Temple is a Hindu temple located in Candirejo Village, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency, East Java. This temple building is made of red brick and has a square plan with a size of 6.8 m x 6.8 m, and height of 8.3 cm.
  This temple consists of three parts, namely the temple, the temple body and the temple roof. The temple door faces west and above it is a decoration in the form of a time. On the north, east and south side there are niches that are also decorated at the top.
  The temple chambers are empty and on the walls there are reliefs of the Surya God surrounded by sunlight. This relief is a Surya Majapahit relief, a symbol of the period of the Majapahit Kingdom. The top of the temple has been lost, while the legs of the temple have been renovated in 1993. This temple is composed of brick and andesite. From the number of years at the entrance of the 1271 Saka temple (1349 AD)
  we can find out that the Kalicilik Temple is a relic of the Majapahit era, especially during the reign of Tribhuwanatunggadewi. Only until now is the unknown function of the Kalicilik Temple as a memorial for who remembers in Negarakrtagama and inscriptions never mentioning it. According to Agus Aris Munandar in his paper delivered in the Archipelago Ancient Manuscript Seminar as a Noble Value Heritage in commemoration of a quarter century National Library of the Republic of Indonesia said in the book Negarakrtagama pupuh XL stanza 5 ri sakasyabdi rudra karma kalahaniran mantuk ingswargaloka, kyating rat the dinarmma dwaya ri kagnangan / sewaboddeng usana means, in 1149 Saka (1227 AD) he passed away to sorghoka, leaving the world.
   He was betrayed in two places in Kagnangan as Siwa and as a Buddha in Usana. The contents of this temple are a place of worship for the character of Ken Angrok, the founder of the Rajasa dynasty whose descendants rule in the Singasari and Majapahit Kingdoms. In addition to the book Negarakrtagama also mentioned in the book Pararaton pupuh XV stanza 25 ri linanira the amurwabhumi I saka 1169 sira dhinameng kagenengan means the amurwabhumi (Ken Angrok) died in 1169 Saka (1247 AD) he was patronized in Kagenengan.
   Regarding Kagnangan / Kagenengan as the appreciation of Ken Angrok as Shiva or his dedication in Usana as a Buddha until now, its existence cannot be known with certainty. In the Blitar area there is a brick temple building named by the population now with Kalicilik Temple. Based on the findings of the Agastya statue, it can be seen that the Kalicilik Temple breathes Hindu-Shiva religion. On the front of the entrance door is sculpted in 1271 Saka (1349 AD) so that it is estimated that the Kalicilik Temple dates from the Majapahit period.
    According to Raffles in the History of Java, calling this Kalicilik Temple the name Genengan Temple (Raffles, 2008: 382). Besides that, Agus Aris Munandar said that the possibility of Kagenengan where Ken Angrok was at the helm was the Kalicilik Temple, while the year number on the entrance threshold indicating the Majapahit period might be a number of years of warning of repairs or restoration of pre-existing buildings from the Singasari period


   Bacem Temple is a temple located in Cungkup Hamlet, Bacem Village, Sutojayan District, Blitar Regency, East Java. This temple made of brick consists of two temples, namely Bacem I temple which has a height of 109 cm, length of 310 cm, width of 300 cm, and Bacem II temple which is 110 cm high, 540 cm long and 500 cm wide. The shape of the two temples is irregular because the bricks arrangement does not show a clear profile, and only the bricks are arranged on the foundation, while the body parts and roof of the temple are no longer found. This temple has an ascending staircase made of andesite stone which is located in the north.
   Bacem ITemple has 6 stone pedestals and two temple stones with antefic angle stones. Whereas in Bacem II Temple, there were 11 swollen fruit, both plain and ornamental, five temple stones and one temple peak. The distance between Bacem I Temple and Bacem II Temple is around 500 m. In Bacem Temple, there are 13 fruits,
   which in the northern building are 7 swifts and the southern part of the building has 6 swear. The size of the swear is not the same, the biggest is the width of the top 15 cm, width below 23 cm, and height of 28 cm. the smallest size, upper width 13.5 cm, width below 18 cm, and height 21 cm. there are some that are decorated and there are plain ones. These swabs are now placed on top of the two temples. Umpak at Bacem Temple serves as a pillar supporting stone.

   There are precarious pieces in the northern temple which have varying lengths of 6 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm, 14 cm, and at most 29 cm. The width of the broken pieces is between 3-10 cm and 3 cm thick. found also pieces of clay that have a circular pattern and not the same shape from the critical fragments. Possibly the fraction is a fraction of the remains of the vase, which has a length of 15 cm and a height of 9 cm. there is an oval stone that has an overall length of 83 cm, a small bottom length of 10 cm, a diameter of 12 cm, and a height of 15 cm. Under the temple there are culverts or drains made of stone, according to the key, Bacem Temple is still buried under 1.5 m deep. the possibility of the water channel being made for drainage of water that has been purified from above or maybe also to channel rainwater into the soil, so that the temple is protected from moisture and wet, so it is not easily damaged.


   Bangkal Temple is a Majapahit heritage temple located in the village of Candiharjo, Bangkal Hamlet, Ngoro sub-district, Mojokerto East Java. It is a rectangular temple. At the foot of the temple there are stairs leading to the temple room. Above the booth door there was a decoration at the time. This temple is one of those that is still standing firmly. Every time after harvest, local residents hold a charity event.
  In this event, the performance of wayang kulit was held. Candi Bangkal One of the corners of the temple with reliefs that are still quite clear to be enjoyed by Bangkal Temple is estimated to be built between the 13th and 14th centuries AD, during which time there was a shift of power from the central region of Java to eastern Java. , along with Majapahit's dominance of power in that century. Like most other temples, Bangkal Temple has a symmetrical pattern on its architecture.

   Its slender and towering form is the hallmark of temples in East Java, in contrast to temples in Central Java which, although both have symmetrical patterns but have a more chubby shape. This high and slim shape causes temples in East Java to be very vulnerable from collapsing in the event of an earthquake. Bangkal Temple and other temples (Candi Ngetos, Sawentar and Sumberjati) are estimated to have a high roof but have collapsed due to the earthquake.


  The Gunung Gangsir Temple is a temple located in Dukuh Kebon Candi, Gunung Gangsir Village, Beji District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java.

  The name of this temple is still a myth of the surrounding population, namely that the name 'mountain' was taken from the existence of this temple building in the past surrounded by mountains. While the word gangsir (Java: nggangsir) means digging a hole under the surface of the ground.

   According to residents' information, this name arose when at one time someone tried to 'drive' this mountain to steal valuable objects in this temple building. So this temple building was known as Gunung Gangsir Temple. The temple building which was made of brick, has 4 floors, with two ground floors which are the actual body and roof of the temple. The ground floor plan is a rectangle with a protrusion on the east side, in the opposite direction to the ladder. The body plan and roof of the temple are also rectangular,
   but in this part the four sides of the temple's body have a slender bulge. Now the condition of the temple is a collapse, and almost all the corners on the floors are damaged, as well as the parts horizontal, where the floors meet, while the top of the temple has disappeared. As a result of this damage, the Gunung Gangsir temple building looks like a pyramid shape that has been cut off from the roof.


  The temple is a building of places of worship from ancient relics originating from Hinduism and Buddhism. Regardless of the shape of the temple, we must keep guarding it. Because it is a legacy of our precious ancestors. We can even introduce the temples to our grandchildren, so that they understand the history of the Indonesian nation.

   In 1984 a temple was discovered by archaeologists from Jogjakarta who had been destroyed in Keboireng hamlet, Ngerong village, Gempol, Pasuruan. According to Pawiji, a caretaker said that in 1975 the statue had been kept inside the house by his parents. Then in 1983 there were many relif-relifs, finally the late. Usman's village head at that time wanted to bring the relif-relif, but the Pawiji parents were not allowed. Finally the relif-relif was reported to the government and it is estimated that there are temples around here.

   This place was once a dark yard and many overgrown with bamboo trees. This temple is buried up and in the middle of the temple growing yellow trees. No one knows that there is a temple here. There are only statues, relif-relif and stones. In the middle of the temple Surya Majapahit was found, which is a temple symbol and the object is now in the Majapahit Information Center (BIM) Trowulan, Mojokerto. Around this temple there are also rocks that are collected and buried in the ground.

   Around this temple there were no houses and people called it Kebon Reco. This temple is located behind the Pawiji house, so it does not appear from the village road. The land of the temple also belongs to Pawiji who has been granted to the local government. Keboireng Temple is also guarded from rain water, that is by covering the temple with tarps, so it does not grow moss. Until now, there are still religions gathered alongside his house which is also covered in tarps.


  Ngetos Temple is located in Ngetos Village, Ngetos District, about 17 kilometers south of Nganjuk city. The building is located on the side of a paved road between Kuncir and Ngetos. According to experts, based on the shape of this temple was made in the XV century (fifteenth), namely in the era of the kingdom (Majapahit). And according to estimates, the temple was made as a burial place for King Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit. This building is physically damaged, even some parts have been lost, so it is very difficult to find the original shape.

  Based on statues found in this temple, namely in the form of Shiva statues and Vishnu statues, it can be said that Ngetos Temple is Shiva-Vishnu. If it is associated with the religion adopted by King Hayam Wuruk, it is very appropriate, namely the religion of Shiva-Vishnu. According to an expert (Hoepermas), that near the founding of this temple once stood a smaller sized temple (about 8 square meters), but the shape of the two is the same. N.J. Chrome estimates that the temple building was originally surrounded by a round ring wall.

  The main building of the temple is from red stone, so that it is damaged more quickly. The roof is estimated to be made of wood (there is no trace). Relief on the Ngetos Temple has four pieces, but now there is only one, the three have been destroyed. Frames in the enclosure (the base) are also gone. At the top and bottom of the frame are bounded by attics, divided into small windows decorated with rhombus, the edges are uneven, or resemble the shape of a banner. This is different from the lower buildings that have no layout, while the lower edges are decorated with group motifs of fruit and leaf ornaments.

  On the right and left of the temple there are two small niches on which there are ornaments that are reminiscent of the makara trunk. But if you look more closely, it turns out that a large spiral shape is beautified. The wall looks empty, there are no important reliefs, only above it are leaf motifs that curve downward and horizontally, encircling the temple's upper body.

  Interestingly, it is a very large motif, which is 2 x 1.8 meters high. The time is still intact in the south. His face is frightening, and this illustrates that at that time there was a great authority and seemed to be used as a repellent for danger. This kind of motif is found in almost all the temples in Central Java, East Java and Bali. This motif actually originated from India, then entered Indonesia in the Hindu Age. Generally, in Indonesia this kind of motif is found on the front doors of a temple, Ngetos Temple, which is now living its damaged main building, was built on the initiative of King Hayam Wuruk. The purpose of making this temple as a place to store the ashes of his body if he dies later. Hayam Wuruk wants to be buried there because the Ngetos area is still included in the Majapahit region which faces Mount Wilis, which seems to be equated with Mount Mahameru. The production was handed over to his uncle the king of Ngatas Angin, namely Raden Condromowo, who later held the title Raden Ngabei Selopurwotoo. This king has a patih named Raden Bagus Condrogeni, whose training center is located west of Ngatas Angin, approximately 15 km away.

  It was told, that Raden Ngabei Selopurwoto had a nephew named Hayam Wuruk who became the King of Majapahit. Hayam Wuruk often visited his uncle and also Candi Lor. His will later, when Hayam Wuruk died, his body was burned and his ashes were stored at Ngetos Temple. But not in the current temple, but in the temple which is now gone.

   It is said that the story is also, in Ngetos there were two temples that were the same (twin), so they named the Tajum Temple. Only difference, one is bigger than the other. Krom also argues that around the Ngetos temple there is a Paramasoeklapoera, the burial place of King Hayam Wuruk. Regarding the word Tajum can be likened to Tajung, because the letter "ng" can change to the letter "m" without changing its meaning. For example Singha becomes Simha and finally Sima. This is in accordance with Soekmono's opinion stating that after Hayam Wuruk died, his tomb was placed in Tajung, Berbek area, Kediri.

   Furthermore, it was told, that Raja Ngatas Angin R. Ngabei Selupurwoto had a brother in the Kingdom of Bantar Angin Lodoyo (Blitar) named Prabu Klono Djatikusumo, whose class was replaced by Klono Joyoko. These kings were assigned by Hayam Wuruk to create a temple complex. Raden Ngabai Selopurwoto in the Ngatas Angin complex commissioned Empu Sakti Supo (Empu Supo) to create a temple complex in Ngetos. Because of its supernatural power, in the not too long time the task can be completed as directed.


  Being one of the beautiful historical attractions, visitors will really enjoy what the temple offers. Located behind the Aulia Setono Gedong mosque and opposite the intersection that leads to the Kediri train station. The historic site that is used as a tourist spot is also a sacred aulia tomb that is visited by many pilgrims. In addition, the local residents around the temple are very friendly to local tourists and foreign tourists.
  They did not hesitate to take when there were tourists who did not know the location of the temple. Another attraction of this historic place is the arrangement of stones arranged in a row and forming steps. Can be seen when visitors will go to a pavilion building that has a joglo style. The size of the stone also varies, there are large stones on the right side. 
  While smaller stones are placed on the left. The two buildings arranged with these stones are still in very good condition because they continue to be cared for by the temple administrator. One more interesting thing is the authenticity of the rock beneath the wall. Which became the foundation of the temple when in the days of the kingdom of Kediri.
   It is said that above the foundation a mosque will be built by the trustees. But until now there is no known reason why the mosque did not become established. The stone material is then used for the construction of the Great Mosque of Demak and another one is the Cirebon Cipta Sang Mosque. Site Astana and Setono Temple Gedong Kediri are also famous for sites that hold many mysteries. In this place no inscriptions were found that could reveal the history of the temple. There is only Garuda relief and the rest of the temple stone, as well as vague stories that are not yet clear.


  The Tondowongso Temple complex is an ancient discovery site found in early 2007 in Tondowongso Hamlet, Gayam Village, Gurah District, Kediri Regency, East Java. This site of more than one hectare is considered to be the biggest discovery for the classical period of Indonesian history in the last 30 years (since the discovery of the Batujaya Temple Complex), although Prof. Soekmono once found one statue from the same location in 1957. [1] The discovery of this site begins with the discovery of a number of statues by a number of local brick craftsmen.

   Based on the shape and style of the statues found, this site is believed to be a relic of the early Kadiri Kingdom (XI century), the initial period of the transfer of the political center from the Central Java region to East Java. [2] [3] [4] [5] During this time the Kadiri Kingdom was known from a number of literary works but not much is known about its heritage in the form of buildings or sculptural results. The Tondowongso site consists of a main temple facing west and three ancillary temples (companion) overlooking the main temple. To the west of the building there is a gate structure, and to the east of the building there is a remnant of an ancient fence (possibly this fence surrounds a cluster of temples).
  A few tens of meters south of the temple cluster also found another structure which is thought to be a gate. At the foot of the temple found a profile of the rattan (half round) and the side of the bell (ojief) which is characteristic of the Central Java period building. The structure of this building is partly damaged. Most of the constituent materials of Tondowongso Temple are brick, while only a few andesite stone components are used as constituent steps.



   From the size, Candi Telih is small. It is about two meters high and the building's width is around 2.5 meters. The temple has two parts, the main part is the temple building which is located on a stretch of land with a higher position, while the second part is a pile of stones in the lower land which is about four meters away. The temple at the bottom has a height of about 1.5 meters and a width of 1.25 meters. According to the Juru Kunci Candi Telih, the initial discovery of this temple occurred in the 60's when there was Gestapu (G30S PKI). When it was found the condition was very sad because some of the temples were destroyed because of the surrounding weather or were hit by trees. Because of that the father then arranged until his condition was neater like this.
  If seen from the position of Candi Telih overlooking Mount Arjuno, the existence of this temple can be identified as a place of retreat that can be a place of storage and worship of the spirits of the ancestors because the spiritual orientation of spirits is at the peak of Arjuno. This reason is because in the megalithic rite there is a concept in the Hyang, namely the worship of ancestral spirits. In this case the peak of Arjuno is considered a sacred mountain.Send feedback



  This temple is located on Jalan Songgoriti, Songgokerto Village, Batu District, Batu City, East Java Province. The location of this temple is in the neighborhood of Natural Hot Springs (PAPA), or adjacent to the Songgoriti Tourism Market. Seen from the style of the building and decorative arts, also some forms of writing on short inscriptions found along with other peripih in temple wells, Candi Songgoriti is thought to originate from around the 9th century. This temple was first discovered by a Dutch archaeologist named Wouter Hendrik Van Ijsseldijk in 1799.

  Then, repaired by other Dutch archaeologists, namely Jonathan Rigg in 1849 and Jan Frederik Gerrit Brumund in 1863. In 1902, J. Knebel conducted an inventory of the site of Songgoriti Temple and continued with extensive renovations in 1921. The current temple is the result of restoration carried out by Oudheidkundige Dienst of the Dutch East Indies from 1938 until 1944.

  Songgoriti Temple is patirthan temple, which was established in connection with the source of hot water coming out of the ground. Local folklore mentions that the temple was built in connection with the place of a master maker of heirlooms, therefore the water is hot and irony. The name 'Songgoriti' comes from Old Javanese from the basic word 'sanggha' which means group, group, group and 'which means bronze, brass, country metal. Thus the Songgoriti name means 'metal heaps'. In the area around Songgoriti, there are still names of places such as Kemasan (a place for gold craftsmen) and Pandesari (metal clearing center).

   This name is probably related to an inscription that was found not far from the temple site, namely t the Sangguran Inscription dating from 850Çaka or 928 AD. Ancient Central Java. The construction of Songgoriti Temple is located at an altitude of 998 meters above sea level, and is made of andesite. Meanwhile, the foundation is brick. The size of this temple is 14.50 meters x 10 meters with a height of 2.5 meters. Although the temple building is no longer intact, its existence is very meaningful as proof of the old age of civilization in Batu City.


   Sapto Temple is an ancient relic located in Kasembon in the western part of Malang Regency, precisely in Bayem Village or approximately 54 kilometers from Batu City.

   The area of ​​the temple has an area of ​​500 square meters, with surrounding shrubs as a limiting plant. It is unclear the origin of this temple because there is no information board made by the Malang Regency government. However, based on the name, Sapto itself means seven even though it is still a mystery what Sapto means because there are only five statues. Yes, you will not see the temple building there but five statues.

  The five statues form a semicircular formation facing Mount Kelud, the condition is not intact with everything without heads being cut to half body. There is even one statue that has only the stone left and is stacked carelessly.

   The direction to this temple is quite easy, from Malang, Pujon, Kediri, you can turn right from Kasembon after approximately 300 meters from SMP PGRI. From there a trip lived 5 kilometers towards Bayem Village. From the white monument crossing remained straight and then there were three of SDN Bayem 2 turning left and there the location of the Sapto Temple. Quoted from Samala Malang Post Expedition Archaeologist, Dwi Cahyono explained, naming the Sapto Temple came from the discovery of seven statues in the area.

   According to him, when viewed from its location, the Sapto Temple area is quite extensive, because other statues are also found. There are large brick pillars or fishponds and stone pillars. The statue that is located at that location is a statue of a deity from Mahayana Buddhism. Dwi explained, in the Mahayana Buddhist pantheon there are many Buddhists, one of which is Dyanibudha and Dyanibodhisatwa. The two types of buddha are distinguished based on great clothes.

   Dyanibudha does not wear oversized clothes, while dyanibodhisatwa wears oversized clothing and all accessories such as upawita, crown, kankana, and others.

   These seven statues are the tatagatha system, namely the composition of the god of Buddhahana, the configuration is always odd. Four plus one or six plus one with the position of the wara mudra and one budha in the middle with the position of the mudra chakra. Sapto Temple leads to Mount Kelut so that it can function as a guardian of the Kelut Mountain and almost the same as the Bocok Temple

    Interestingly, when viewed from the details of the statues, it is estimated that the temple has not been completed. This can be seen from the part of the head which is still in the shape of a lump of stone. Apart from that, there are also statues that still don't have a variety of decorations. Maybe it hasn't been completed yet, then the Mount Kelud eruption is still active.

    So, the part that is seen at this time is the peak of the temple made of a mixture of large-sized bricks with andesite rocks resulting from the launch of Mount Kelud. The existence of the Bocok Temple and the adjacent Sapto Temple indicate that Buddhism and Hinduism were important religions during the Majapahit reign



    candi bocok is a temple inherited from the keraja'an majapahit temple which is located in the middle of a forest near the hillside. The statue consists of 2 statues of men and women. Statues that women have stolen. But now back again and put in the caretaker's house.
    the park is very good, many tourists who come to the temple bocok. The road to get there is rather difficult because it is located in the middle of the forest. But after arriving at the location, the feeling of fatigue that we feel is lost because the scenery is very good. Arca Shiva in Bocok Temple is very special because it is a relic of Hayam Wuruk and made in great detail. In addition to the Bocok Temple there is the Sapto Temple which is there, while in the surrounding area which has entered the Kediri area there are several inscriptions.

   It is estimated that the Shiva Statue in the Temple is the Statue of Dewaraja. That is to say, King Majapahit was divorced by a deity whom he worshiped for life. When living worshiping Shiva, the Ista Dewata was divorced as Shiva. Usually it is shared with the Sakti (wife), namely Parvati. Dewaraja itself is a concept of worship that considers the King to have a godly nature.

    Regarding the existence of the temple, in the Dutch archives entitled Hindoe Javanche Kunst in 1923, it was said that Botjok Temple had been examined in 1902. NJ Kroom, one of the Dutch Archaeologists, said that the temple was founded in 1358 Saka or 1436 AD


  Laras Temple is a small temple site located in Candi Laras village, Candi Laras Selatan, Tapin, South Kalimantan Province, which was found in a location called the people called Tanah Tinggi which is located at the coordinate position 2 ° 37′12 ″ S 114 ° 56 ′ 0 ″ E Coordinates: 2 ° 37′12 ″ S 114 ° 56′0 ″ E. At the site of this temple found pieces of the Batara statue The teacher holds the cupu, Nandini and linga oxen.
  Everything is stored in the Lambung Mangkurat Museum, Banjarbaru. The location of this temple is not in a strategic location, so it is estimated that this temple was established for certain purposes and is estimated to be a state temple. In the area adjacent to this temple, namely in the Amas river basin, a Buddha statue of Dipankara was found and a piece of stone bearing the Pallawa script related to Buddhism reads "siddha" (it should read "jaya siddha yatra" means "journey a blessed pilgrimage "). the sentence is reminiscent of the tenth line of the inscriptions of the 7th century AD Srivijaya kingdom "Sriwijaya jaya siddha yatra subhiksa".
  the similarity of the sentences on the two inscriptions may indicate a connection between the Srivijaya kingdom and Tapin. The ancient site of the Laras Temple is thought to have been built in 1300 AD by Jimutawahana, a descendant of Dapunta Hyang from the Srivijaya kingdom. It is this Jimutawahana that is thought to be the ancestor of the residents of Tapin. Based on the discovery of archaeological objects found around this site dating from the 8th or 9th century.
  In the area adjacent to the temple, namely on the road in Baringin B village near the Tambingkaran river, including the Amas River, statues were found. The condition had broken the right hand and both legs had broken. The Buddha statue is made of bronze with a width of 8 cm and a height of 21 cm. Pictured stands wearing a robe that is draped over the left shoulder. His left hand is forward while holding the end of the robe.
  His face is depicted rather round with slanted eyes and mouth with the tip of his lips rather upward as in the faces of Thai statues. Seeing the characteristics of his face, the Buddha statue has the name Dwarawati which developed around the 8th century AD.
  Fragments of stone inscriptions with Pallawa inscriptions found at the base of the Amas River. This Old Malay-language inscription which is related to the "holy journey", reads // ... siddha ... // (it should fully read // jaya siddha yatra // means "the holy journey that gets success"). This siddhayatra inscription is seen in its literary form as contemporary as the siddhayatra inscriptions found in the Palembang region. Judging from the style of the Buddha statue Dipaŋkara and the literary form on the inscription fragments it is thought that the place had existed since the 7-8th century AD. In 2000 a radiocarbon C-14 study was carried out from a sample of ironwood pillars which were still embedded in their original location, and dating to around the 14th century AD


  the temple which is at an altitude of 760 above sea level (dplm) is a silent witness to the triumph of the kingdom before Majapahit. This temple is thought to exist around the 11th or 12th century AD. There are also indications that the temple is located west of Mount Bede. 1404 AD.

  These instructions are found in Buyung Cave around Selokelir Temple, in the cave there are several similar carvings and bricks made of andesite. In addition, the great signs of ancient relics before Majapahit were seen in the form of seven terraced buildings and made of andesite. The stones appeared in the Hindu era before Majapahit. The sign was emblazoned on carvings that put forward symbols, floral patterns, and symbols in the midst of society.

  This condition is different from the Buddhist era, because the symbols of the greatness of the Buddhist era are usually contained by telling the situation of the community. While the rock conditions in the Selokelir Temple are mostly floral, boxes, and three graffiti on each stone. This fact shows, this temple existed before the Majapahit period.

  However, the temple that shows the natural beauty continues to be treated during the Majapahit kingdom. The instructions also appear at the location around the temple with the form of carvings. "But all can not be ascertained, we only read the instructions found," said Akhmad khuzaini, Tim Ubaya Training Center (UTC) assisted by Nurul Hidayati, ArifYudha, and Dian Dwi Cahya. To ensure the existence of the Selokelir Temple does require more evidence.

  However, the existence of stones and other clues has strengthened that the Selokelir Temple existed before the Majapahit kingdom emerged. There is even a possibility, this temple existed when the kingdom of Kediri was still victorious. Because the carvings contained in the stone had a similar structure. However, certainty still cannot be done.

  Moreover, the condition of the temple stone is irregular. That is, researchers have not been able to conclude because they have not been able to read the storyline for sure the symbols that appear. "This condition seems intentionally made, archaeologists and residents want that there is no theft in this area. If this dig is found, statues can be found in their time. There is also evidence of theft, his head is gone, "said Kusworo Rahadian, Development Consultant for UTC's Learning Learning Program.

  Kus, the best call from Kusworo Rahadian explained, from the archaeologist's findings in Selokelir Temple, the terrace sizes have been found. In the terrace, the variety of building decorations is not very clear but on the surface and courtyard of the building are many findings estimated to be part of the building. On the temple yard there is a pile which is part of a building with giant relief ornaments and Portuguese crosses.

  There are also lumpung stones which have a diameter of 80 cm and a middle hole of 25 cm, but the height is difficult to know. Even interesting, found a yoni hole (holder of a phallus or statue) in a rectangular shape with a length of 10 cm wide by 10 cm in 10 cm. There is also a bottom stone extolling 25 cm long by 22 cm wide and the upper part measuring 18 cm high 22 cm wide. While the top part of the umpak has a triangular decoration, this swear is estimated for offerings in this temple.

  Archaeologists, Kus continued, also found other signs, such as pipisan stones and two swollen stones. The size of the pipeline was 60 cm wide by 35 cm high by 2 cm, while the size of the two swollen stones was the same as the size of a pedestal in the temple yard. Even more interesting, above the Selokelir Temple is a temple called Telo Blandong.

  This ancient heritage is also called the well-shaped Telong Blandong Temple which is formed from an andesite stone structure measuring 200 cm long by 200 cm wide in 170 cm. "This temple has close links with the Selokelir temple



    Discovery The current site in the Pandaan-Malang toll road construction area seizes public attention.
Since the excavation on Tuesday (12/3), several facts have been found starting from the discovery of Paduraksa, the altar, ceramic fragments to coin gobok.
East Java (Jatim) Pestarian Cultural Heritage Hall (BPCB) ensured that the building on the Sekaran Site is a legacy of the Singasari Kingdom. BPCB East Java ensures that the buildings on the Sekaran Site are sacred buildings of the Singasari Kingdom era.

  This was evidenced by the discovery of the paduraksa (gate) and the structure of the building in the form of a foundation believed to be an altar.
"But that (at the Forces) only one that we have found must be two. So we are looking to the northeast side but have not found it," said Head of East Java BPCB, Andi Muhammad Said, in Malang, Tuesday (03/19/2019).

  The periodization that the Sekaran Site building was built in the era of the Singasari Kingdom was also reinforced by the discovery of a gobok coin bearing the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty led Tingkok in the X-XIII century or the same period as the leadership of the Singasari Kingdom in Malang. Archaeologists BPCB East Java said the sacred buildings found at Sekaran Site, Sekarpuro Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency faced one of the sacred mountains on Java Island namely Gunung Semeru.

  This is reinforced by the findings of a building structure that resembles the paduraksa (gate) that leads to the northeast. If seen from the location, it is clear that Mount Semeru in front of it. The site of Sekaran is the biggest archaeological discovery in 2019.

  Based on the results of the excavation of East Java BPCB, three foundations of brick structures based on the plan have an Northwest-Southeast orientation in an area of ​​380 square meters of outcrop. two whitewater. One whitewater is found to the south east 100 meters away. While one more whitewater was found on the east side of the site, 70 meters away.
"Ancient whitewater was used as a waterway. But what we found is not yet known. "This is a waterway or a hiding place, or where people run away, when there is an attack," he said.
However, Ucok can almost ascertain if the two whitewater found is artificial. Which confirms the certainty, is the form of sculpture on the walls of the whitewater.
"We have also reported this finding to the leadership. We also look for other references, related to the history of this place, 'said Ucok.
Meanwhile, Sekarpuro Village Chief, Pakis Subdistrict, Sulirmanto hoped that the site found would not be dismantled, but preserved. Because according to him, whatever the form is that this site is thought to be a legacy, which must be preserved.
"Before this site was discovered, we had planned to develop Dusun Sekaran. We will make thematic parks, which can bring tourists. And it turned out that this site was found, we hope this site will be preserved as a cultural heritage object, and preserved. "We will also ask the Malang Regency government to intervene, in preserving these cultural heritage objects," he explained.
Meanwhile, Tamari, one of the residents of Sekaran Hamlet, said that not far from the site there were also punden. In Punden there were also many statues. "The statue is made of stone, but then people are thrown in the direction of the river, '' he said.

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