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Monday, March 30, 2020


      Malang Raya consisting of (1) Malang City, (2) Malang Regency, and (3) Batu City were predicted as "historic areas". However, when Batu is compared to its two neighboring regions, so far Batu City has the fewest historical traces. If Malang City is rich in Indis cultural heritage, Malang Regency is rich in cultural traces of Hindu-Buddhist times. As an area located in a historic area, it is very possible that Batu is also rich in traces of past cultures. However, so far the Historical-Archaeological research in the Batu area is somewhat lacking. In fact, by researching it, there is a possibility that one by one the traces (relics) of the past culture in Batu have been revealed. One of the most actual akelogis discoveries in Batu is the ruins of temple buildings in Pendem Village, Junrejo District.

For Batu City, which has only had a monumental architecture, in the form of Songgoriti "temples" (X century AD), the discovery of the ruins of the temple in Pendem has added a treasure to the City of Batu. The initial discovery occurred accidentally by residents had (Anton Adi Wibowo, 40 years) when digging the soil in the northern area of ​​the tomb of Pendem Village to plant an avocado tree on November 25, 2019. It was not expected that a large brick structure was found (ancient). His findings were then reported to the relevant authorities and institutions for a review, until finally the East Java BPCB was swiftly dismounted as an effort to secure and rescue archeology (rescue Achaeology).

After the implementation of Rescue-Archeology as phase I excavation on 12-14 December 2019, and further excavations (stage II on 18-21 December 2019 and stage III on 7-16 February 2020), it was revealed that the findings were temples. Interestingly, the temple is not made of andesite stone (river stone) as is the case with most temples in Malang, but the temple is made of brick. In phase II excavation, moreover in stage III, the figure as a temple is increasingly apparent. With the discovery of the temple component in the form of a well (perigi) on February 14, 2020, in phase III excavation, what had been hypothesized before (excavation stages I and II) that the archeological remains found in Pendem Village as a temple building proved to be accurate.

In the early reports, the findings of the Shiva sect Hindu temple by the Archaeologist from BPCB East Java in Trowulan, Wicaksono Dwi Nugroho, gave an age estimate of the temple findings in Pendem in the "pre-Majahit" era. According to him, the dimensions of the size of the ancient bricks that make up the structure of the temple building were hypothesized as coming from the pre-Majapahit mass. In fact, it could be from the time of Kadiri - Singosari (XI-XIII century AD) ". The size of the bricks (P = 35 cm, L = 25 cm, and Tb = 9 cm). If the bricks at the Pendem site are compared with bricks at Sekaran site (33X25 X 8 Cm), looks a little bigger, therefore, according to him, the age of the temple in Pendem is slightly earlier (older) than the Sekaran Site, based on the findings in the form of coins (chinase coin, duwit gobog) and ceramics from The Song Dynasty, predicted to be the site of Sekaran around the X-XI century AD.

According to my hypothesis (M. Dwi Cahyono), there is the possibility of an embryo from a temple in Pendem at least in the early X century AD, related to the news in the inscription on unemployment (14 Suklapaksa Srawana in Saka year 850 Saka = August 2, 928 AD) regarding the existence of " the hyang Prasadha kabhaktyan i Mananjung (place of worship for devotions in Mananjung), to which the metal forges (gusali, on iron type weapons) are in the ancient village (wanua) Unemployed in performing worship activities. Determination of a plot of land in the village (wanua) perdikan land (sima) "is related to the cost of organizing a religious rite in the sacred building (read" temple ") in Mananjung. In the book" History of the Stone Region: Reconstruction of Socio-Cultural Reconstruction "which I wrote in 2011, page 84, I submit "The proposed Mananjung location in the village of Mojorejo and surrounding areas was deliberately given by considering the location of the discovery of the Unemployment inscription."

With the discovery of temple ruins in Pendem Village, which is a "neighboring village" or around Mojorejo Village, there is sufficient reason to hypothesize that the kabhaktyan prasadha in Mananjung is in Pendem, the ruins of the newly discovered temple. If it is true that the temple in Pendem is "prasadha kabhaktyan in Mananjung" which was preached by the inscription on unemployment (928 AD), this finding is very important for the historical area of ​​Batu. Given that so far it has been found, the S unemployment inscription is the "oldest" inscription in Batu. Because the inscription is "a source of textual type data", the inscription on unemployment deserves to be predicted as "textual markers regarding the origin of the history of the Batu area". Likewise, if it is true that the temple in Pendem is a sacred building in Mananjung, then the ruins of the temple in Pendem Village may be said "artifactual markers about you"

Friday, March 13, 2020

BPCB Checks Findings of Keris Made from Stones Buried in Soil in Magelang

checking the residents' findings in the form of keris-like objects, teapots and books in Magelang Regency. The three stone objects were found buried in the ground about two meters deep.
The three objects were found by Nyoto (54), a resident of Jlarang Village, Kalijoso Village, Windusari District.

When he was met at his house, Nyoto admitted that initially he would look for stones to make talut on his moor on Friday (7/2) around 09.00 WIB. When searching for the stone, he found a hole and saw the object.

"At that time, I accidentally found a deep hole that was getting narrower, two meters deep. I saw a strange item in the form of a teapot," Nyoto said, Thursday
After that, he did not dare to lift the object and then closed the hole. He then reported the findings to the Magelang District Education and Culture Office.

"I do not dare to hold. I report to the office if there are benefits from the discovery," he said.

On that report, on Wednesday (12/2), the Department of Education and Culture of Magelang Regency headed to the location and picked up three objects. Among other things like keris, teapot, and books. Currently, the three objects are stored in Nyoto's house.
When asked for confirmation, the Head of Culture, Education and Culture Office of Magelang Regency, Mantep said, one by one the objects had already been raised starting from the teapot, the keris and the book-shaped stone.

For the keris after washing, it looks like WALISANGA is written, then the teapot has the Javanese letter, COUNTRIES. Then in the book there is an Arabic letter that reads, BISMILAHIRAHMANI SYEH RADEN MAS BROWINATA.

"Based on these findings, we then report to the Central Java Cultural Heritage Preservation Center (BPCB). BPCB also on Monday (17/2) has come to the location of the discovery of these objects," explained Mantep.

He said he was still waiting for the results of a study from BPCB related to the findings of these objects. "Later we are waiting for an official letter from BPCB what about the findings of these objects," he said.BPCB is currently reviewing to ensure that the three objects are included as cultural heritage or not. Including the estimated year the object was made.

"If traditional objects are yes, but if cultural heritage objects or not need to be studied further. Judging from the Javanese letters are new Javanese or as it is today, and the writing on the teapot is suspected after independence," he said.


        Kunti Temple. This is the name given to the findings of the new temple site in Dieng Kulon Village, Batur Banjarnegara District, Central Java. At present the excavation of the temple site by the Central Java Cultural Heritage Conservation Agency (BPCB) has been completed. Excavation of land where the discovery of the temple was carried out to find archaeological data that is still hidden. From there, BPCB can reveal the history that accompanied the findings. Head of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of Dieng Tourism Object of the Banjarnegara Tourism and Culture Office Aryadi Darwanto said, from the results of the excavation found a number of archeological data.
    The new emovations from the excavation included Ratna or the roof of the temple, as well as foot-shaped statues. But officials have not been able to identify the statue in its full form. Because only the foot was found, he said when confirmed on Wednesday (2/26/2020). Aryadi said, the temple plan is rectangular in shape. The rectangular floor plan is interesting, because it is different from the general temple floor plan in Dieng.
   Another rectangular temple in Dieng is the Semar temple. But according to Aryadi, there are different forms between this new temple and Semar temple. Like the findings of other temples, this new temple must be named. Aryadi said, the name Kunti appeared when the research team discussed the naming of the newly discovered temple. The idea of ​​naming the Kunti Temple sparked from the mind of the Dieng Temple Unit Head Eri Budhiarto. According to Aryadi, Kunti is suitable to name the temple. In the wayang story, Dewi Kunti is the mother of the Pandavas. The names of the Pandavas have been used to name other temples in the Arjuna Temple complex. So it is appropriate if Kunti's name as the mother of the Pandavas is embedded in this new temple. Moreover, the Kunti temple is on the slope of Pangonan Hill, which is located higher than where the other temples are located. So it's as if Kunti is watching over her children. Because the place is higher, he said. LET'S READ: Wih, Carmadi Gets a Lottery Car from BPR BKK Batang Source: Suara.com Editor: Abdul Arif Related Tags # Central Java News # Dieng Temple Findings Let's Share! Come on R.


KLATEN heritage

Klaten Heritage Community activist, Hary Wahyudi added, the discovery began when a witness named Ketut cleared the location for the Melasti activity on February 15, 2020. When the banyan tree that had collapsed several months ago was about to be cleaned at 11:30 WIB, visible stones under weathered roots.

"So underneath the weathered roots there is a stone statue. Pak Ketut told us at the KHC then we checked," Hary explained.
Klaten Heritage Community activist, Hary Wahyudi added, the discovery began when a witness was named Ketut cleared the location for the Melasti activity on February 15, 2020. When the banyan tree that had collapsed several months ago was about to be cleaned at 11:30 WIB , visible stones under weathered roots.

"So underneath the weathered roots there is a stone statue. Pak Ketut told us at the KHC then we checked," Hary explained  
The hand holding the jug is broken. Judging from the photos there are traces, "continued Aaron.

Regarding the report, said Harun, BPCB officers will come to the location of the discovery.

Klaten Heritage Community activist, Hary Wahyudi added, the discovery began when a witness named Ketut cleared the location for the Melasti activity on February 15, 2020. When the banyan tree that had collapsed several months ago was about to be cleaned at 11:30 WIB, visible stones under weathered roots.

"So underneath the weathered roots there is a stone statue. Pak Ketut told us at the KHC then we checked," Hary explained.After receiving the report, Hary continued, he along with three other people cleaned the location and the statue was appointed to be cleaned for four hours. After measuring the height of 74 cm with a width of 39 cm.

"We have measured it. But the statue is no longer intact because the head, hands, jug, trident and statue of the student are missing," Hary explained.

Hary believes it is the statue of Resi Agastya or Shiva Maha Guru. With this statue, there is believed to be a temple, because the Agastya Receipt does not stand alone.

"Different from other figures. Agastya must have candies because they are not alone," Hary added.


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