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Friday, March 30, 2018


Farmers in Tulungagung accidentally found the statue of the gods Illustration of archaeological sites. The photo shows the site building site's excavation found in the homes of residents in Sumberejo Village, Badas Subdistrict, Kediri Regency, East Java, Wednesday (3/12). BPCB excavation team Trowulan, Mojokerto found the structure of the altar building with one stone, the phallus and two statues similar to the structure of similar sites found in Gurah Sub-district, Kediri which is a relic of Kadiri Kingdom (Kediri). (BETWEEN PHOTOS / Rudi Mulya) ... was sitting around when accidentally noticing a stone structure resembling a human head poking above the ground ... Tulungagung, East Java (ANTARA News) - A farmer in the village of Ngrejo, Tulungagung regency, East Java, accidentally discovered a historic archeological object in the form of a god statue while clearing his cornfield in a formerly deforested protected area. As the official description of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Section Head of Cultural and Tourism Section of Tulungagung Regency, Winarto, Sunday, the statue measuring 50 x 80 centimeters was found Surani in the pent-up conditions in the realm. "Pak Surani and some farmers are sitting around unintentionally seeing a stone structure resembling a human head poking above the ground," said Winarto, recounting the chronology of the site's discovery, over the weekend. Do not wait long, Surani assisted some other farmers then do the excavation and found the stone structure shaped statue of the god deity. The news of the archaeological site's findings quickly circulated so that other residents, including activist Pokdarwis (tourism awareness group) Ngrejo, came and conducted a sweep of the ancient artifacts. There are several other structures of rock then found not far from the point where the findings of the statue, including shaped pedestal (foundation pole building), wells or petirtan small and a number of ancient pottery. "Saturday (2/3) we from Budpar Service together the R & D department of Bappeda Tulungagung verify in the field to record the initial findings," said Winarto. But he has not confirmed the type and age of the statue that is now stored in Surani's house in Ngrejo Village, Tanggunggunung Subdistrict. Tulungagung District Authority will still coordinate the Conservation Heritage Preservation Hall of Trowulan to further examine the statue of the god, as well as to excavate around the location of the findings. "Originally we suspect this is a kind of Agastya statue because the structure is similar, but after we discussed it with archaeological friends, the initial conjecture conical to Nandiswara statue," said staff of BPCB Trowulan who served as the manager of Museum Wajakensis Tulungagung, Hariyadi. But he asserted the conclusions are still initial allegations. Certainty about the type of statue and whether there are other sites around the site will be further investigated by a team of archaeologists from BPCB Trowulan, as already coordinated by the Tulungagung regency through the local Culture and Tourism Office. "While waiting for our BPCB Trowulan team, through the tourism office and the village government has asked Pokdarwis and Ngrejo Village residents to help secure the location of the possibility of destruction or looting of ancient objects that are still left behind," said Hariyadi.



Ngawi - The bones found by a farmer named Sarno (45), a resident of Hamlet Grudo Rejuno Village District Karangjati Ngawi certainly is a fossil of ancient animals Stegodon or ancient elephant. This has been confirmed by the team of Cultural Heritage Preservation Hall (BPCB) Mojokerto East Java Provincial Working Area, together with Technical Unit Implementation Unit (UPT) Trinil Ngawi Museum who has examined the bone. There are 94 fossils found, but the biggest part is the ancient elephant leg. Length reaches 90 cm in diameter 20 cm. The rest are bone fragments damaged by sharp objects during excavation. "The biggest size of one elephant leg has been positive from the BPCB team's observation, others have been in small pieces due to the farmer's handling," explained Head of Unity Reinforcement Unit (BKPH) Rejuno Budi Sulaksana to detikcom, Wednesday (28/3/2018) ). Also read: The Trinil Museum Involves Thorough Fossil Findings in Ngawi How Big is the Fossil Found in Ngawi? Photo: Sugeng Harianto Bone that has been shaped debris, continued Budi, measuring between 3-15 cm long with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The pieces of ancient elephant fossils are now stored in the office of the Rejuno Rejuno Rejuno Rejuno District, Karangjati Ngawi Subdistrict. "Small pieces we enter the sack and the big one we put the floor," he said. In addition to ancient elephant fossils, the team also found fossils animal bull horn with a length of 43 cm and a diameter of 27 cm. Currently, communication between Trinil Museum and Perhutani KPH Saradan is still conducted to continue the excavation or not .

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Gebang Temple is a Hindu temple located in the hamlet of Gebang, Kelurahan Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, DIY. This temple is estimated to be built around the 8th century AD at the time of Sanjaya's reign ruled in the days of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. The temple was discovered in 1936 was restored by led by Van Romondt in 1937-1939. This temple has a size of approximately 5.25 × 5.25 meters with a height of 8 meters. Gebang Temple facing east, has a linga-shaped peak. On the western niches of the statue of Ganesha, while on the side of the door there are two niches that one of them contains the statue of Nandiswara. A yoni is in the temple room. There is no information about the historical background of Gebang Temple. Only, judging from the existence of phallus, yoni and statue of Ganesha, it is certain that Gebang Temple is a Hindu temple. In addition, a high proportion of legs indicates that the temple was built between 730-800 AD. The Gebang temple is a square-shaped building with a size of 5.25 m x 5.25 m with a height of 7.75 m. The basic material used for the construction of the temple is andesite stone. The body of the temple stands on the foot about 2 m high. There is no sculpture on the foot of the temple. Entrance to the room in the body of the temple is located on the east side. On the right side of the entrance there is a niche where the statue. In the northern niches there are statues of Nandiswara while the southern niches are empty. It is said that in the niche was a statue of Mahakala. On the west side (rear) there is a niche filled with Ganesha statue that sits on a yoni with a trunk leads northward. No stairs found to climb to the hall on the surface of the foot of the temple. Although there are allegations, the ladder is made from easily fragile materials, such as wood, but has not obtained a definite information about the absence of the ladder In the body of the temple there is room. In the center of the room is a yoni and a phallus, but now the phallus embedded on the yoni is gone. The roof of the temple is arranged with a linga-shaped peak that is erect above the seroja.


Gedong Songo Temple is the name of a Hindu temple cultural building complex located in the village of Candi, Bandungan District, Semarang regency, Central Java, Indonesia precisely on the slopes of Mount Ungaran. In this temple complex there are nine pieces of temple. This temple was discovered by Raffles in 1804 and is a relic of Hindu culture from the 9th century Syailendra Shia (year 927 AD). This temple has similarities with Dieng temple complex in Wonosobo. The temple is located at an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level so that the air temperature here is quite cold (ranging from 19-27 ° C) Location 9 temples scattered on the slopes of Mount Ungaran has beautiful natural scenery. In addition, this tourist attraction is also equipped with hot spring water from sulfur-containing springs, camping areas, and equestrian tours. To travel, it takes about 40 minutes journey from the city of Ambarawa with rising streets, and the slope is very sharp (average reaches 40 degrees). The location of the temple can also be reached within 10 minutes of Bandungan attractions. Here's a list of mileage to this temple.


Gunung Kawi Temple or Kawi Tebing Temple is a protected ancient site in Bali. It is located in Pakerisan River, Penaka Village, Tampaksiring Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia. [1]: 180 This temple is very unique because it usually consists of intact rock made of red brick or mountain stone, but this temple is not like that but a carving on the wall of a rock cliff in the edge of the river. The name of Gunung Kawi itself is said to derive from the words Gunung and Kawi. Mountain means Mountain or Mountains and Kawi Means Sculptures So Gunung Kawi Temple means Temple carved on a mountain. This temple is located about 40 kilometers from Denpasar City with journey about 1 hour by car or motorcycle. While from Gianyar City is about 21 kilometers or about half an hour drive. If not bring a private vehicle, from Denpasar and Gianyar tourists can take advantage of taxi services, tourist buses, or travel agency services. This temple was built approximately the 11th century AD during the reign of King Udayana to Wungsu Children's government. King Udayana is one of the famous kings in Bali who came from the Warmadewa Dynasty. Through her marriage to a daughter from Java named Gunapriya Dharma Patni, she has an Erlangga child and Wungsu Son. As an adult, Erlangga later became king in East Java, while Wungsu's son reigned in Bali. At this time is estimated kawi cliff temple was built. One of the archaeological evidence to corroborate this assumption is the above-quasi-literary door which uses the letters Kediri which reads "haji lumah ing jalu" meaning the king who (symbolically) is buried in Jalu. The king in question is King Udayana. While the word jalu which is the title for spurs (weapons) in the rooster, can be associated also as a keris or pakerisan. The name of Pakerisan River or Tukad Pakerisan is now known as the name of the river that divides the two cliffs of Kawi Temple. This temple was rediscovered by Dutch researchers around the year 1920. According to the folklore of the area is Candi Tebing Kawi made by a magic person named Kebo Iwa. With his supernatural powers, it is said Kebo Iwa broke his sharp and strong nails on the rock wall in Tukad Pakerisan. The rock wall as though carved with a smooth and good, so as to form a cluster of beautiful temple walls. Work that should be done by the people with a relatively long time that, supposedly able to be completed by Kebo Iwa for one day semalam.Candi Gunung Kawi Has about 315 steps on the edge of Pakerisan River. The beautiful atmosphere that is visible from the grove of trees on the banks of the river, also gurgling water from this sacred river in Bali makes visitors as welcomed by natural symphonies. The stairs to the temple of Gunung Kawi is made of stone rock that is framed with stone walls. Arriving at the temple complex, tourists will see two groups enshrined separated by the flow of the Pakerisan River. The first temple lies to the west of the river, facing to the East, which amounts to four. While the second temple is located east of the river, facing to the West, which amounts to five. In the temple complex on the west side, it also features a bathing pool and a water shower. Witnessing the two temple complexes, tourists will be amazed by the scenery of rock walls carved neatly to form spaces in which there is a temple. These temples are intentionally made in the basin to protect it from the threat of erosion. Rice fields near the entrance of Gunung Kawi Temple In the temple complex on the west there is a kind of "hermitage" which is also called a monastery. The temple is carved into a sturdy cliff and equipped with a court, small rooms (like rooms) equipped with windows, and air circulation holes in the roof that serves also for the entry of sunlight. The rooms within the temple may have been used as a place of meditation or meeting place of priests or other royal figures. Another site that is still a complex with Gunung Kawi Temple is a gate and a retreat called Geria Pedanda. In this place tourists can see some gate and place of hermitage. Experts call this place the "Tomb of the 10th". The naming by these scholars is based on a short inscription with the letter Kediri which reads "rakryan", which, if interpreted, is the premises of a prime minister or high-ranking royalty. While on the other side, some distance southeast of the Gunung Kawi Temple complex, through the verdant rice fields, there are several niche places of hermitage and a monastery that appears to be partially unfinished by the maker.


Dawangsari Temple is a Hindu-Buddhist temple located in the north of Barong Temple, which is in Dawangsari, Sambirejo, Prambanan, Sleman, DIY. (Locations in Wikimapia). According to estimates, this temple was built in the 9th century in the days of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. At first discovered, the ruins of this temple have several stupas that are a sign of Buddhism and the statue of Ganesha as a symbol of worship of Hinduism.


Dorok temple found in Dorok Hamlet, Manggis Village, Puncu District - Kediri Regency, made of brick, like generally temples in East Java. Because it has been buried long enough and has not done the renovation resulted in the stone composing this temple looks white like the color of the soil that is around and many overgrown with moss on the bottom. The building of this temple is located under the surface of the ground as deep as 3 meters. Dorok temple was discovered by a farmer accidentally while trying to plant the seedlings of Melinjo trees in the yard of his house. While digging the ground, the hoe he used about the pile of bricks that, when excavated further, widened and formed a rectangular plane. Further excavations by the archaeological service found that the pile of bricks is part of the temple body which also means that the top part of Dorok temple is no longer present. One fragment of reliefs in this temple so that the existing land around the temple in the excavate to form a rectangular field and provided a ladder made of land that jutted into and can be used by visitors to see closer the base of the temple. At the top of the temple has built a roof of zinc to prevent the occurrence of damage due to heat and rain. No statues can be found by visitors to this temple. The existing reliefs are also severely damaged, making it difficult to know the motive. A small statue that is at the top of the temple when I try to ask the guard site, not a part of the temple, but from another location. There is no more detailed explanation of the origin or history associated with the establishment of this temple, but based on the temple-forming material is estimated this temple originated from the 10th century


Candi Dadi is located in Wajak Kidul Village, Boyolangu, Tulungagung Tulungagung, East Java. Location Dadi Temple not far from the location of Candi Temple, Gayatri Temple, and Goa Selomangleng. Dadi temple is actually part of the enshrinement complex. The village of Wajak Kidul in the south is hilly. At the top four hills are each there is one temple and Dadi temple is at the highest peak. At the other top there are Gemali temple, Buto temple, and Bubrah / Wurung temple, thus forming a row of temples from the lowest to the highest, namely Dadi Temple. In addition to Candi Dadi, the conditions of the temples are now living debris scattered. Selamatan is a means of praying Javanese society. Some people around the temple use Dadi Temple as a means of praying to get blessings from the Almighty. The ceremony (prayer) is usually done on certain days, especially on the 1st of Suro. The community formed a community of beliefs to God Almighty.


Candi Deres is a relic of ruins in Purwoasri Village, Gumukmas District in Jember Regency, East Java Province. The building is made of large bricks typical of Majapahit which is now supported and gripped by the banyan tree. This temple was discovered in the 1980s. The existence of this temple is very apprehensive because it has been very severe since it was first discovered. It is possible that this Temple Deres was built during the time of King Hayam Wuruk during a long journey (tirtayatra) around East Java in 1359 AD with a distance of about 1700 kilometers. In the Book of Negarakretagama written by Mpu Prapanca (Dang Acarya Nadendra - Buddhist High Officer (Dharmadyaksa Ring Kasogatan) mentioned that the trip Hayam Wuruk which was also accompanied by mpu Prapanca as a court writer, has been through some villages (areas) which now has partly unchanged name. The name of the village included in the trip is Kunir (Lumajang), Basini (Besini / Jember), Sadeng (Puger Jember), Bondoyudho (Lumajang), Balung (Jember), Sarampwan (Puger Jember), Kuta Bacok (Watu Ulo / Jember), Renes (Wirowongso Jember), Kuta Blater (Jember) and continue to Tigang Juru area or now called the "horseshoe" area.It is possible during the trip around Basini and Sadeng this construction of Temple Deres begins. large red brick with excellent combustion quality so that it can survive until now.Karapahit brick characteristic is the stroke of motif spirals memanj ang and curved like a stroke of a finger. Deres temple includes cultural heritage in Jember regency which its management under BP3 Purbakala, Trowulan Mojokerto.


Dermo Temple is a classical relic located in Sidoarjo District. This temple is located in Wonoayu, Sidoarjo regency, East Java. This temple is included in the cultural heritage. The first dermo temple records can be seen in the Dutch report written in 1905 - 1913 and 1914 - 1915. To know when and by whom this temple was made or built can not be ascertained and known because there is no source in writing or number of years that mention it, only in terms of building experts suspect darmo temple dating from the 14th century, Overall dermo temple is a gate-shaped arch garuda mercury in archeology that is the top gate (roof) into one. Because there is another gate that forms the top apart as if pulled to the right and left. The shape of the gate, which is a separate roof like that in the archeology is called the benta temple or gate. Gapura or temple dermo is almost similar to the former queen's queen gate Majapahit relics in Trowulan. The entrance of dermo temple leads to the western axis of the remaining parts to note that once this gate has a wall or wing fence. This temple has not been in pugar since it was built, the temple is planned to begin restoration in 2014, the restoration is delayed and will begin in 2015


Candi Cangkuang temple is a Hindu temple located in Kampung Pulo, Cangkuang area, District of Leles, Garut, West Java. [1] This temple is also the first time found in Tatar Sunda and is the only Hindu temple in Tatar Sunda. This temple is located adjacent to the grave of Embah Dalem Arief Muhammad, an ancient tomb of an Islamic religious leader believed to be the ancestor of Cangkuang village. The village of Cangkuang is surrounded by four large mountains in West Java, including Mount Haruman, Mount Kaledong, Mount Mandalawangi and Mount Guntur . The name of Cangkuang Temple is taken from the name of the village where the temple is located. The word 'Cangkuang' itself is the name of a kind of plant pandanus (pandanus furcatus), which is widely found around the grave, Embah Dalem Arief Muhammad, ancestor of Kampung Pulo. Cangkuang leaves can be utilized to make a hood, mat or wrapping. Cangkuang cultural reserve is located on a mainland in the middle of a small lake (in Sundanese language called it), so to reach the place through the main route, visitors must cross by using a raft. Originally Kampung Pulo is surrounded entirely by lakes, but now only the northern part is still a lake, the southern part has turned into rice fields. In addition to the temple, on the island there are also traditional Kampung Pulo settlements, which also become part of the cultural heritage area. [1] Cangkuang temple is located on a small island whose shape extends from west to east with an area of ​​16.5 ha. This small island is located in the middle of Cangkuang lake at coordinates 106 ° 54'36.79 "East Longitude and 7 ° 06'09" South Latitude. In Wikimapia [1]. In addition to the island that has a temple, in this lake there are also two other islands with a smaller size. The location of this Cangkuang lake topografinya found in a fertile valley approximately 600-m l.b.l. which is surrounded by mountains: Mount Haruman (1.218 m lbl) to the east - north, Sand Kadaleman (681 mlbl) in the south east, Gadung Sands (1841 m lbl) to the south, Mount Guntur (2849 m lbl) to the west- south of Mount Malang (1,329 m lbl) to the west, Mount Mandalawangi in the north-west, and Mount Kaledong (1,249 m lbl) to the north. This temple was first discovered in 1966 by Harsoyo and Uka Tjandrasasmita research team based on reports Vorderman in the 1893 book Notulen Bataviaasch Genotschap about the existence of a broken statue and ancient tombs on the hill of Kampung Pulo, Leles. Tombs and statues of the Shiva are indeed found. At the beginning of the study seen the existence of a stone that is the ruins of a temple building. [1] The ancient tomb in question is the tomb of Arief Muhammad who is regarded as a local resident as their ancestors. In addition to finding the ruins of the temple, there are also pieces of knives and large stones are estimated to be a relic of the megalithic period. Subsequent research (1967 and 1968) succeeded in digging grave buildings. Although it is almost certain that this temple is a relic of Hinduism (about the 8th century AD, an age with temples on the site of Batujaya and Cibuaya?), It is surprising that there is an Islamic cemetery next to it. At the beginning of the study seen the existence of a stone which is the ruins of the temple building and beside it there is an ancient tomb following a statue of Shiva is located in the middle of the ruins of the building. With the discovery of andesitic rock-shaped rocks, a team of researchers led by Tjandrasamita felt confident that around the place there was originally a temple. Locals often use the blocks for tombstones. Based on these beliefs, researchers conducted excavations at the site. Near the grave of Arief Muhammad researchers found the foundation of temples berkuran 4.5 x 4.5 meters and other temple stones are scattered. With the findings of the History Team and Institute of Antiquities immediately conduct research in these areas. Until 1968 the study is still ongoing. The process of restoration of the Temple began in 1974-1975 and the implementation of the reconstruction was carried out in 1976 covering the framework of the body, the roof and the statue of Shiwa and equipped with a joglo museum with the intention to be used to store and inventory historic objects former cultural heritage from all Garut regency. In the execution of restoration in 1974 has been rediscovered the temple stone which is the parts of the foot of the temple. The main obstacle to the reconstruction of the temple is the temple rock found only about 40% of the original, so the original stone used to reconstruct the temple building is only about 40%. The rest is made from mortar, coral, sand and iron.


Ceto Temple (hanacaraka:spelling of Latin language: cethå) is a Hindu-style temple allegedly built in the late Majapahit era (15th century AD). The location of the temple is located on the slope of Mount Lawu at an altitude of 1496 m above sea level [1], and administratively located in Dusun Ceto, Gumeng Village, Jenawi District, Karanganyar Regency. The temple complex is used by locals as well as Hindu pilgrims as a place of worship. This temple is also a hermitage for the Javanese / Javanese believer. The first scientific report on Ceto Temple was made by van de Vlies in 1842 [1]. A.J. Bernet Kempers also conducted research on it. Excavations (excavations) for the purposes of reconstruction and the discovery of hidden objects was first made in 1928 by the Archdiocese (Commissie vor Oudheiddienst) of the Dutch East Indies. Based on the circumstances when the ruins began to be investigated, the temple is estimated to be aged not much different from Sukuh Temple, which is quite adjacent to its location. When found the state of this temple is stone ruins on 14 terraces / punden storied, extending from the west (the lowest) to the east, currently 13 terraces, and restoration is done on nine terraces only. Its terraced structure ("punden terraces") raises the notion of syncretism of Indigenous culture with Hinduism. This assumption is reinforced by the iconography aspect. The human body shape on the reliefs resembles a shadow puppet, with a side-faced face but the body tends to appear front. A similar depiction, which shows the characteristic of late Hindu-Buddhist historical period, is found in Sukuh Temple. A one-sided restart in the late 1970s by Sudjono Humardani, Suharto's personal assistant (second president of Indonesia) changed many of the original structures of the temple, although the concept of punden terraces was maintained. This restoration was heavily criticized by archaeologists, given that archaeological site restoration can not be done without extensive study. Some of the newly refurbished objects that are considered not original are the magnificent gates at the front of the compound, the buildings of the wood of the hermitage, the statues attributed to Sabdapalon, Nayagenggong, Brawijaya V, and the phallus, and the cube building at the top of the punden. Furthermore, the Regent of Karanganyar for the period of 2003-2008, Rina Iriani, on the grounds to spice up the religious passion around the temple, placed the statue of Goddess Saraswati, the donation of Gianyar Regency, on the eastern part of the temple complex, at punden higher than the cube building. , Ceto Temple complex consists of nine levels of terraces. Before the big gatura shaped temple bentar, visitors find two pairs of statues guard. The first level after the entrance gate (ie the third terrace) is the temple yard. The second level is still a page. In the third level there is petilasan Ki Ageng Krincingwesi, ancestor of Dusun Ceto community. Before entering the fifth level (the seventh terrace), on the right wall of the gate there is inscription (writing on stone) with Ancient Javanese script in Old Javanese language pelling padamel irikang tirtasunya hawakira ya ya lost saka kalo wiku goh anaut iku 1397 [1]. This paper is interpreted as a function of the temple to purify themselves (ruwat) and the mention of the year of making the gate, which is 1397 Saka or 1475 AD. On the seventh terrace there is a horizontal stone structure on the ground that depicts a giant tortoise, Majapahit solar (supposedly a Majapahit symbol), and a 2 meter long phallus (penis, male genital) symbol equipped with a piercing ampallang. Turtles are symbols of the creation of the universe while the penis is a symbol of human creation. There are depictions of other animals, such as mimi, frogs and crabs. The symbols of existing animals, can be read as suryasengkala framed in 1373 Saka, or 1451 modern era. It can be interpreted that the temple complex was built in stages or through several renovations. In the next level can be found in the ranks of rocks on two adjoining plains that contain the relief footage of the story Sudamala, as there are also in Sukuh Temple. This story is still popular among the Javanese people as the basis of the ruwatan ceremony. The next two levels contain the pendapa buildings that flank the temple entrance. Until now the pendapa-pendapa is used as a place of continuity of religious ceremonies. On the seventh level can be found two statues on the north and south. On the north side is the statue of Sabdapalon and in the south of Nayagenggong, two semi-mythical figures (many of whom assume they are both the same figures) are believed to be servants and spiritual advisers of King Prawu Brawijaya V. At the eighth level there are phallus statues (called "kuntobimo") on the north side and statues of Sang Prabu Brawijaya


Mount Wukir Temple, Canggal Temple, or Shiwalingga is a Hindu temple located in Dusun Canggal, Kadiluwih Village, Salam Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, Central Java. This temple is located above Wukir Hill, which is called Wukir Mountain, on the western slope of Mount Merapi. This location is in the northeastern District Muntilan Magelang regency. Gunung Wukir temple can be reached by public transport to Ngluwar Sub-district to Kadiluwih Village Dusun Canggal, which is connected by walking uphill about 300 meters above sea level. This temple is the oldest temple that can be connected with the year number. Based on Canggal inscriptions found in 1879 in ruins, this temple was founded during the reign of King Sanjaya from the days of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom, ie in 732 AD (654 years Saka). This inscription has a lot of information related to Medang Kingdom or Mataram Hindu. Based on this inscription, Mount Wukir Temple may have the original name of Shiwalingga or Kunjarakunja. Complex where the ruins of this temple located has a size of 50 m × 50 m. The building of the temple itself is made of andesite stone at least consists of one main temple and three perwara temples. In addition to the inscription, in the temple complex is also found yoni, phallus (symbol of the god Shiva), and the statue of the oxen or Nandi.


Bojongmenje Temple or better known as Rancaekek Site, is an archaeological complex which is presumably a pre-Islamic heritage in West Java located in Dusun Bojongmenje, Kalurahan Cangkuang, District Rancaekek, Bandung, West Java. The site is located near an industrial area so that its existence is threatened. Together with Cangkuang Temple and Batujaya Temple Site and Cibuaya Site, this site is one of the few remaining Hindu-Buddhist heritage buildings in West Java. Bandung District has an archaeological site in the form of a temple? Not everyone knows about it. Generally existing temples on the island of Java are found in areas of Central Java and East Java. Later, just found some of the temples in the West Java region such as what is on Site Batujaya (Karawang) and Cangkuang Temple (Garut). Only in August 2002, accidentally a resident in Kampung Bojongmenje, Cangkuang Village, Rancaekek Subdistrict who wanted to find land to deteriorate the uneven alleys of his land, found a cavity of earth that surrounded there was a pile of stones arranged neatly. The discovery of the pile of stone was finally decided as part of a temple by archaeologists, since then the location was excavated for further discovery and research. The initial suspicion by archaeologists of the Bojongmenje Temple is a relic from the 7th century. If that is true, then Bojongmenje Temple has a much younger age than the temple at the site of Batujaya which is a relic of the 2nd century, but has the same age as Dieng Temple - Wonosobo. Even according to Timbul Haryono, age Bojongmenje temple can be older than Dieng temple. Pointing to a number of rocks found by the excavation team, Timbul Haryono revealed, the indication is the absence of halfround or rocks with a semicircle profile. But there are only rocks with long facet profiles and padma frames. "From the style, the technique of making the temple, and the size of the temple rocks tend to reflect as an old temple like Dieng in Central Java," said Timbul. He proposed that the Bojongmenje Temple, which is believed to be about six times six meters, is an indication that there has been a certain village community. That is, the community is a small part of a large central royal structure that is marked, among others, by the establishment of large temples as a sacred place of worship. Therefore, allegedly other than in Bojongmenje, there are also similar temples established by the community as a place of worship. Indications are increasingly strong with the flow of the river Cimande and Citarik river which is located not far from the location of Bojongmenje Temple. There is even information, about two kilometers from the location of Bojongmenje Temple there is also a hot spring. Alluding to the existence of a threshold stone with a pattern of two holes, Timbul estimate the threshold stone is part of the niche of the temple. Similarly, the stone threshold with a hole one, he mentioned as a fraction of the temple niches. As for the matter of finding a brick, Timbul rate, the bricks are old and is part of the "body" of the temple that unstructured rocks well. With the discovery of this Bojongmenje temple it may change historical facts. These facts include the direction of the spread of culture in the island of Java from east to west, the opposite is from west to east. This is based on the archaeological findings that show that Bojongmenje temple is older than temples in Central Java and East Java or at least equivalent to the old temple in Dieng Central Java. Bojongmenje Temple invention of course very proud of the Sundanese who during this role in the stage of the history of enshrinement less attention. Bernert Kempers an archaeologist from the Netherlands also only divides the classical period in Java into the classical period of Central Java and the classical period of East Java. Based on the revocation, it is said that the classical period in Indonesia is divided into old classics for the period of Central Java and the classical period of young for the East Java period. That opinion needs to be reviewed because it does not mention the role of the Sundanese in the history of the building enshrinement. In fact, epigraphic evidence shows that in the Tatar Sunda region there is a center of the Hindu kingdom of Tarumanagara. In addition, the development of archeological research in the Tatar Sunda region began to emerge the discovery of the temple. Therefore, the discovery of Bojongmenje Temple is expected to open the veil of temple in Tatar Sunda to be brighter. Looking at the location where Bojongmenje temple is located, it is enough to pay attention. To get to the location of this temple must pass a narrow alley with a towering factory fence wall. The site of the discovery of this temple itself sticks with.


Banyunibo Temple (meaning 'drop-dripping water' in Javanese) is a Buddhist temple located not far from Candi Ratu Boko, which is in the eastern part of Yogyakarta City towards Wonosari Town. About 5.6 km to the south of Prambanan temple, and administratively located in Dusun Cepit, Bokoharjo Village, Prambanan Subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This temple was built around the 9th century at the time of Ancient Mataram Kingdom. At the top of this temple there is a stupa which is characteristic of Buddhism. This temple building is named Banyunibo Temple which is not far from the complex of Ratu Boko, Barong Temple, and Ijo Temple. Even around this temple was found many temple sites are scattered in some surrounding villages. This temple was found in a state of collapse and then began to be dug and researched in the 1940s. This temple was built around the 9th century at the time of Ancient Mataram Kingdom. Banyunibo temple is rarely visited by tourists. At the top of this temple there is a stupa which is characteristic of Buddhism. The meaning of the name of this temple is banyunibo which means drop-dripping water (in Javanese) although in this temple there is no drop of water or water source around the temple. Banyunibo temple includes a sacred Buddhist building rich enough to decorate (ornament). Almost on every part of the temple is filled by various ornaments and reliefs, although the one with the other often found the same ornament motif. Decoration on the foot of the temple. The walls of Banyunibo temple's feet are divided into several sides. The field is then filled with sculptures of ornamental plants that come out of the flower pot. The main temple faces west and lies between a field of sugarcane and paddy fields. From the debris around, it is estimated there are 6 pieces perwara temple (stupa companion) in the form of stupas around the main temple in the south and east. The main temple faces west and lies between a field of sugarcane and paddy fields. Unfortunately this perwara temple is not made of andesit stone but a white stone that is easy to wear out. To the north of the temple, there is a 65 m long stone wall stretching from west to east. The ruins of perwara temples in the form of stupas are estimated to be about 5 m in diameter.


Barong Temple is a Hindu temple located in the southeast of Ratu Boko Complex, Prambanan, Sleman, precisely on the hill at Candisari Hamlet, Sambirejo Village, Prambanan, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This temple is estimated to be built around the 9th and 10th centuries, as a relic of the Medang Kingdom of the Mataram period. The temple's position is on the southeast side of the Ratu Boko complex, somewhat below it but still in the same hilly system, the hills of Batur Agung, at an altitude of 199 m above sea level. On the southwest side, at the bottom of the hill, is located Banyunibo Temple, a Buddhist building. In the southeast position of this temple, about 2 km away, is located Ijo Temple. In addition, there are also around the sites statues Ganesha, Miri temple, Dawangsari temple, and Temple Sumberwatu [1]. This temple complex has an entrance to the west, then ushered on three terraces. The first and second terrace has not found the building of the temple, although there are remnants of the floor or pedestal. The second terrace is a large open area. Before entering the highest terrace there is a small paduraksa gate that flank the stairs up. On the highest terrace there are two temple buildings for worship, estimated to God Vishnu and Dewi Sri. Each of these temples has a size of approximately 8.18 m × 8.18 m with a height of 9.05 m [1]. The buildings of these main temples have no entrance, so the worship ceremony is estimated to be performed outside the building. One of the main buildings of the temple. When found, this temple has collapsed. The restoration began in 1987 by reconstructing two main temples. Restoration completed 1992, followed by restoration of the talud and fence. During the restoration found statues of Lord Vishnu and Dewi Sri. In addition found a statue of Ganesha and some box sharper made of andesite stone and white stone. In one of the pieces there were silver and gold sheets, but the text was unreadable. Accompanied peripih also found a number of home supplies, such as ceramic bowls, arrowheads, jars, and spoons [1]. Wisnu worship is a privilege of this temple complex. Generally, the temples of Central Java worship Shiva or Shiva god. In addition, the structure of the terraces with the center of worship is the easternmost also not common to temples from the Medang period, which is usually the main building located in the center of the complex. Only Ijo Temple has the same characteristics. This terraced structure is considered an original expression of Indonesia. Syncretic patterns also appear from the cult of Dewi Sri. This temple gets the name 'barong' because the main building of the temple has ornaments of kala and makara in every niche like generally temple in Java, which is similar to barong.


Candi Bahal, Biaro Bahal, or Portibi Temple is a Buddhist temple complex of Vajrayana flow located in Bahal Village, Padang Bolak District, Portibi, Padang Lawas District, North Sumatra, which is about 3 hours drive from Padangsidempuan or about 400 km from Medan City. This temple is made of red brick and is thought to have originated from around the 11th century and is associated with the Pannai Kingdom, one of the ports on the coast of the Malacca Strait that was conquered and became part of the mandala of Srivijaya. [1] Has three ancient buildings that are Biaro Bahal I, II and III. [2] Interconnected and consisting in a straight line. [2] Biaro Bahal I is the largest. Her legs were jeweled with round boards that carved an animal-headed yaksa, who was dancing. [2] Apparently the dancers were wearing animal masks like at a ceremony in Tibet. Among all the jewelry boards were carved lions sitting. [2] In Bahal II ever found a statue of Heruka the Demonis statue that embodies the pantheon figure of Buddhist Religion of Mahayanan, sect of bajrayana or tantrayana. [2] Heruka stood on the corpse in a dance manner; on his right hand there is a stick. Bahal III carved leaf ornaments. This temple is named after the name of the village where this building stands. In addition, the name Portibi in Batak means 'the world' or 'earth' the term of absorption derived from Sanskrit: Pertiwi (goddess of the Earth). The architecture of this temple building is similar to that of Jabung Temple in Probolinggo regency, East Java. This temple is the largest (in the local term called biaro) temple complex in North Sumatra province, because its area encompasses Bahal I, Bahal II and Bahal III temple complexes. All buildings in the three temple complexes are made of red brick, except the statues made of hard rock. Each of the temple complex is surrounded by a fence as tall and as thick as about 1 m which is also made of red brick arrangement. On the east side there is a gate that jutted out and on the right-left flanked by a wall as high as about 60 cm. In each temple complex there is a main building located in the middle of the courtyard with the entrance right facing the gate. Here is a description of this temple complex. Bahal 1 Temple was built in an area of ​​about 3000 m² surrounded by a railing of 60 cm high red stone. The wall of the fence is quite thick, which is about 1 m. The main building of Bahal I Temple is located in the middle of the courtyard, facing the gate. Between the main building and the gate there is a basic batur or stage-shaped platform square about 7 x 7 m. The main building of Candi Bahal I is the largest compared to the main building of Temple Bahal II and II. The main building consists of the composition of the base or mat, foot, body and roof of the temple. Placemats berdenah base square of about 7 square meters with a height of about 180 cm. On the stand stands the foot of the temple as high as 75 cm, with a square floor plan of 6 square meters. The difference between the placemark and the foot of the temple forms a hallway around the foot of the temple. Bahal I Temple facing east, in the middle of the east side, right in front of the steps up to the foot of the temple surface, the temple plates jutted out about 4 meters long with a width of about 2 m. At the end of the long courtyard there is a ladder flanked by a pair of makara heads at the base. Along the northern and southern sides of the street wall of the courtyard leading to the mat is a sculpture of people in various positions. Although many parts of the carving are already damaged, still looks the form of people who look like they are dancing. Along the east side or the front of the mat is a giant-shaped sculpture sitting. The body of the temple is a rectangular building with a square footbase of 5 square meters. The difference in the temple's body area with the surface of the temple's feet forms a hallway about 1 m wide. To reach the entrance to the space inside the body of the temple there is a ladder as high as about 60 cm from the surface of the foot of the temple. In the body of the temple there is an empty room measuring about 3 meters square surrounded by walls about 1 meter thick. The width of the entrance door is about 120 x 250 cm. There is no sculpture that adorns the door frame. The roof of Bahal I Temple is a dagoba shape, which is a cylindrical stupa, about 2.5 meters tall. Sculptures of flowers circle the edge of the roof.


Candi Asu is the name of a Hindu cultural heritage temple located in Candi Pos Village, Sengi Village, Dukun Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, Central Java Province. The name of the temple is a new name given by the surrounding community. Called Asu Temple as it used to be near the temple there are many dogs. This temple is located on the slopes of Mount Merapi near the confluence of Pabelan River and Telingsing River, about 10 km to the northeast of Candi Ngawen. Nearby there are also 2 other Hindu temples, namely Pendem Temple and Lumbung Temple. Asu Temple faces west. This temple berdenah square with a length of 7.94 meters. The foot of the temple is 2.5 meters, the height of the temple is 3.35 meters. The height of the roof part of the temple is unknown because it has collapsed and most of the stone is gone. With these sizes, this temple includes a small temple. Near the Asu Temple have been found two stone inscriptions in the form of monument (linga), namely the inscription of Sri Manggala I (874 AD) and Sri Manggala II (874 AD).


This temple is located not far from Banyunibo Temple and Barong Temple, which is in Dusun Candiabang, Jogotirto Village, Berbah Subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The temple is also adjacent to Adisucipto Airport. The temple was built around the 9th and 10th centuries in the days of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. However, this temple is thought to have a younger age than other Hindu temples. This pyramid-shaped temple is called Candi Abang because it is made of red brick (brother in Javanese). The shape of this temple is a rectangle with a size of 36 m x 34 meters, now much overgrown grass so that it looks much like a mound of dirt or small hills. At first time found, in this temple there are statue and base of yoni symbol of god Shiva shaped segidelapan (not rectangular, as usual) with side measuring 15 cm.Beberapa people consider Candi Abang is a treasure trove in ancient times, by because it is often vandalized and excavated by irresponsible people who are looking for treasures of historical treasures and valuables. This happened for example in November 2002.


Candi Agung is an ancient Hindu temple site located in the area of ​​Malang River, Amuntai Tengah sub-district, Amuntai city, South Kalimantan. Around the temple was once found a wooden pole ulin and shards of tile. This temple is estimated to be a relic of the Kingdom of the State of Dipa whose existence is contemporaneous with the Majapahit Kingdom. [1] Candi Agung in Amuntai is a relic of the Kingdom of the State of Dipa built by Empu Jatmika century XIV AD. From this kingdom finally gave birth to the Kingdom of Daha State in the State and Sultanate of Banjarmasin. According to the story, the Hindu Kingdom of Dipa State stood in 1438 at the junction of three watersheds namely the Tabalong River, Balangan River, and the River Negara. The embryo of Banjar Kingdom was ruled by Maharaja Suryanata and Putri Junjung Buih with the head of government Patih Lambung Mangkurat. Dipa State then developed into Amuntai City. In 1967 in Amuntai City, time was held archeological sites, found the base of the temple and the objects of archeology. The excavated place is called the resident of Gunung Candi (Bukit Candi) and the temple is basically called Candi Agung. According to the people's story that lived there the Great Temple was built by Mpu Jatmika. [2] The building area of ​​the temple of Agung measuring 40 m x 50 m. [3] Agung Temple is estimated to be 740 years old. The material of this Agung Temple is dominated by stone and wood. His condition is still very solid. In this temple is also found some historical heritage objects that are about 200 years BC. The stone used to erect this temple is still there. The stone is very fleetlike with red bricks. But when touched there is a difference, heavier and stronger than ordinary red brick. The bricks found are large in size similar to bricks that also found the site of Kayen temple in Buloh Village, Kayen Village in Central Java.


Arjuna Temple is a Hindu temple building located in Dieng Plateau, Banjarnegara District, Central Java, Indonesia. Arjuna Temple is one of the temple buildings in Arjuna Percolation Complex, Dieng. In this complex there is also Semar Temple, Srikandi Temple, Puntadewa Temple, and Sembadra Temple. Arjuna temple is located north of the row of enshrinements in the complex. Meanwhile, Semar Temple is an ancillary temple or a complement of Arjuna Temple. Both buildings are facing each other. Like most temples in Dieng, the community gives the name of Mahabharata puppet character as the name of the temple. Arjuna Temple is 6 x 6 m and facing west. At the entrance and the niches are decorated when makara. The roof of the temple is tiered with small towers in every corner. The discovery of the inscription dates to the year 731 Caka (809 AD) near the Temple Arjuna can be a guide to the construction of the temple around the beginning of the century IX M. The environment around the temple is also less supportive of maintenance. The land has long been cultivated for farming land of potato plants, vegetables, and flowers. Starting in 2010 Arjuna temple complex began to be used for tourism development packaged by the Tourism Office of Banjarnegara and Pokdarwis (Group Sadar Wisata). They host an annual cultural event known as Dieng Cultural Festival or DCF (Dieng Culture Festival).


Tegowangi Temple is a temple located in Tegowangi Village, Plemahan District Kediri, East Java, Indonesia. According to the Book of Pararaton, this temple is the place of Bhre Matahun Dhamma. While in the book Negarakertagama explained that Bhre Matahun died in 1388 M. It is estimated that this temple was made in 1400 AD in Majapahit kingdom because pendharmaan a king done 12 years after the king died with srada ceremony. In general this temple berdenah square facing to the west with a size 11.2 x 11.2 meters and height 4.35 m. The foundation is made of brick while the footstones and some of the remaining body are made of andesite stone. The legs of the temple are pleated and ornate. Each side of the foot of the temple found three upright panels adorned with giant (seated) squats; both hands are lifted like kettles supporting the temple building. Above it there were bumpy knobs encircling the temple above the bulge with an ornate side bell. In the body part of the temple in the middle on each side there is a plain pillar that connects the body and foot of the temple. The pillars looked unfinished. Surrounding the body of the temple is decorated with reliefs of Sudamala story which amounts to 14 panels ie 3 panels on the north side, 8 panels on the west side and 3 south side panels. This story contains about Durga Durga's (sacred) consecration in the form of ugly and evil becoming Goddess Uma in good form done by Sadewa, the youngest character in the Pandavas story. While on the body booth there is a Yoni temple with a dragon (shower) in the form of a dragon. Inside the temple there are several statues namely Parwati Ardhenari, Garuda and human remains of the temple in the southeast corner. Based on the statues found and the existence of Yoni dibilik temple this temple is Hindu background.Candi Tegowangi keep an area wide enough and open. The area of ​​archeological tourism is also well maintained, not visible garbage scattered except the leaves of dried trees in an amount that is not too much. Near the entrance gate you will find a bee farm owned by local residents who can be added value when visiting.


Sojiwan Temple or Sajiwan Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the village of Kebon Dalem Kidul, Prambanan sub-district, Klaten district, Central Java. A hallmark of this temple is the existence of about 20 reliefs at the foot of the temple associated with the stories of Pancatantra or Jataka from India. Of these 20 reliefs, there are only 19 reliefs that are still present. This temple is located approximately two kilometers to the south of Prambanan Temple, from the gate of Prambanan Temple Tour Park crossing the Solo-Yogyakarta highway into the small road to the south, cross the railway line, then at the first intersection turn left (east) as far as several hundred meters until the temple visible on the south side. This temple has been completed in 2011. According to some inscriptions are now stored in the National Museum of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta, Sojiwan temple more or less built between 842 and 850 AD, more or less in the same period with Plaosan temple nearby. The Rukam inscription dates to 829 Saka (907 AD) which is now kept in the National Museum, mentioning the inauguration ceremony of Rukam Village by Nini Haji Rakryan Sanjiwana, before this village was destroyed by volcanic eruption. In return, Rukam Village residents are given the obligation to maintain and maintain a sacred building located in Limwung. This sacred building is then associated with the Sojiwan temple, while the protective figure mentioned in this inscription: Nini Haji Rakryan Sanjiwana, likened to Queen Pramodhawardhani. Temple named after the Queen's, and trusted him as a temple dedicated pedharmaan.Candi Sojiwan first reported in 1813 by Colonel Colin Mackenzie, a messenger Raffles, who was then the middle of the archaeological record information in Java. He who was studying ancient relics around the Prambanan area, found the remains of the walls surrounding this temple. This temple is a 9th-century Central Java architectural style, consisting of three parts, feet or base, the body of the temple, and the roof of the temple. The temple complex is an area of ​​8,140 square meters, with the main building measuring 401.3 square meters and 27 meters high. This temple faces west. Dwarapala statue is found damaged which is now stored in the guard post in this temple complex. At the foot of this temple is engraved relief fables stories Jataka animals around the foot of the temple. The temple ladder on the east side is flanked by makara statue, only one is still intact, one other makara is gone. At the top of the stairs is a carved gate wicket. The original temple body is full of carved tendrils, but because many stones are lost then a plain substitute stone is installed. The room in the now empty chamber, there are only niches and thrones that originally may store the statue of Buddha or Boddhisatwa which is now gone. a Buddha statue that has been damaged and lost its head found in this temple and is now stored at the guard post of this temple. The roof of the temple is three-story terraced. At these levels there is a row of stupas. The top of the temple is crowned with a big stupa. At the foot of the temple is presented relief scenes are picked from the story of fables Pancatantra or jataka located in Sojiwan temple. Number of relief about 12 scenes. Relief story reads to the south (mapradakṣiṇa). Unfortunately the conditions of these reliefs are a lot of worn and worried.Relief 1 (Two men who fight) Two men fighting This relief depicts two men who are fighting each other. The man on the left is in an attacking position. He holds a sword in his right hand that stands straight up. His left hand was clenched and pointed to the figure on the right. His left leg stood up and gave the impression of kicking. While the figure sitting on the right back to the other figure. Her mouth was open, she had curly hair and wore a necklace and a bracelet. His left hand holds an umbrella. The position of this figure seems disturbed and contrasted with the other figure. It is possible that the story described here is the story of "Dhawalamukha" contained in "Kathâsaritsâg.Relief 2 (Geese and turtles) Relief is now damaged and left only the right side only This relief depicts the fable of a turtle brought by a pair of geese. In this relief there are paintings of animal stories or fables known from Pancatantra or jataka. The full story is presented below. But the story presented below is somewhat different from the paintings in this relief.Relief 3 (The race between Garuda and the tortoise) The race between Garuda and turtles This relief depicts the story of the race between Garuda and the tortoise across the ocean. Finally Garuda lost because disiasati by the turtles. On this relief we can see a Garuda bird and a turtle behind it


Ijo Temple is a Hindu-style temple complex, located 4 kilometers southeast of Candi Ratu Boko or about 18 kilometers east of Yogyakarta. This temple is estimated to be built between the period of the 10th century until the 11th AD at the time of the Medang period Mataram.Candi Ijo is located in Hamlet Groyokan, Sambirejo Village, Prambanan Subdistrict, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This temple is located on the western slopes of a hill which is still part of the hills of Batur Agung, approximately about 4 kilometers southeast of Candi Ratu Boko. Where on the bottom of the slope there are tourist cliffs Breksi Jogja which is a former mining of natural stone. Its position is on the hillside with an average height of 425 meters above sea level [2]. This temple is called "Ijo" because it is located on a hill called Gumuk Ijo. The enslavement complex opens to the west with beautiful panoramic views of rice fields and landscapes, such as Adisucipto Airport and Parangtritis beach. Plains where the main complex of the temple has an area of ​​about 0.8 hectares, but strong allegations that Ijo bathing complex is much wider, and jutting to the west and north. The allegations are based on the fact that when the hillside of Ijo Temple in the east and the north is mined by the population, many artifacts are found to be associated with the temple. The Ijo temple complex is built on a ridge called Gumuk / Bukit Ijo. This name has been mentioned in the Poh inscription dates to the year 906 AD in Old Javanese, in the fragment "... wanua i wuang hijo.anak village children, Ijo.Secara whole, the temple complex is terraces terraces, with the bottom on the west side and the highest part is on the east side, following the contour of the hill.The main enslavement complex is at the eastern end.In the west there are ruins of temple buildings that are still in the process of excavation and have not been restored [1] After being interrupted by a small garden, there is a higher terrace with quite a lot of ruins that are thought to come from a collection of small temples of worship (ancillary temples) .One of these temples has been restored in 2013. The main temple building stands on the foot of the temple berdenah base square 4. Entrance to the room in the body of the temple located in the middle of the west side wall, flanked by two false windows, ie the window nostrils but not perforated in the room inside. there are the north, east and south sides of the walls, each of which has three niches decorated with carvings of makara. The middle niches are higher than the two niches that flank them. These niches are now empty, presumably probably once on these niches once mounted statues. To reach the door which is located about 120 cm from the surface of the ground made the staircase equipped with a makara-shaped cheek ladder, mythical creature shaped fish and elephant-like. The head of the makara leaned down with a gaping mouth. Above the threshold there is a Kala head decoration. At the entrance there is a carving when makara, in the form of a giant mouth when connected makara. This kala-makara pattern is commonly found in the decoration of Central Java temples. As found in other temples in Central Java and Yogyakarta, both Kala heads are not equipped with lower jaws. Above the threshold of the two fake windows are also decorated with sculptured Kala head carvings. Inside the mouth of each makara there is a small bird parrot relief. False windows are outside of the north, east and south walls, three on each side. The window sill is also framed with a pair of makara and head decorations as it is in a fake window flanking the door. In the body of this main temple there is a room. In the center of the inner wall of the north, east and south sides there is a niche respectively. Each niche is flanked by sculptures on a wall depicting a pair of apsara that seem to fly toward the niches. Right in the middle of the room there is a phallus and yoni supported by the figure of a snake spoon. The creature that comes from this Hindu myth symbolizes the earth buffer. The unification of the phallus and yoni symbolizes the unity between Shiva and Parwati shaktinya. The roof of the three-storey storied temple, formed from a rectangular structure that is increasingly smaller. On each side there are three hundred rows in each level. A larger rat is on the roof. Along the boundary between the roof and the walls of the temple's body is decorated with rows of sculptures with intermittent patterns between tendrils and gana (dwarf creatures). Along the edge of the roof is decorated with a row of antephiks with a tendril frame. In each frame there is a half-body statue depicting gods in various hand positions


Muara Takus Temple site is a Buddhist temple site located in Muara Takus village, District XIII Koto, Kampar regency, Riau, Indonesia. This site is located approximately 135 kilometers from Pekanbaru City. Muara Takus Temple site is surrounded by a 74 x 74 meter wall, made of white stone with a wall height of ± 80 cm, outside the area there is also a wall of land measuring 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers, surround this complex to the edge of Kampar River Right. Inside this complex there are several temple buildings called the Candi ukulung / tua, Candi Bungsu, Mahligai Stupa and Palangka. Archaeologists have not been able to determine exactly when the site of this temple was founded. Some say the 4th century, some say the 7th century, the 9th century even in the 11th century. But this temple is considered to have existed in the golden age of Sriwijaya, so some historians consider this area as one of the central government of the kingdom of Sriwijaya. [1] [2] In 2009 Muara Takus temple is nominated to become one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The temple of Muara Takus is the oldest temple site in Sumatera, is the only historical site in the form of temples in Riau. This Buddhist temple is proof that Buddhism once flourished in this region. This temple is made of sandstone, river stone and brick. In contrast to the existing temple in Java, which is made of andesite stone taken from the mountains. The material of Muara Takus temple, especially clay, is taken from a village called Pongkai, located approximately 6 km downstream of the Muara Takus temple site. The name Pongkai probably comes from Chinese, Pong means hole and Kai means soil, so it can mean the hole of the ground, which is caused by the excavation in making Muara Takus temple. The former pit was now drowned by a puddle of Koto Panjang hydroelectric dam. But in Siamese, the word Pongkai is similar to Pangkali which can mean river, and this temple site is located on the banks of the river. Muara Takus Temple is one of the sacred buildings of Buddhism in Riau. The hallmark that shows the sacred building is a Buddhist building is a stupa. The shape of the stupa itself comes from early Indian art, almost an artificial hill-shaped semicircle covered with brick or embankment and given a peak meru. Stupas are a hallmark of the sacred buildings of Buddhism and change its form and function in its history in India and in other Buddhist worlds. Based on the function stupa can be divided into three, namely: Stupa which is part of something building. Stupa that stands alone or in groups but each as a complete building. Stupas that complement the group as perwara temple. Based on the above function can be concluded that the buildings in Muara Takus temple complex occupy the second function, namely stupa that stands alone or in groups but each as a complete building. The architecture of the Muara Takus temple building is unique because it is not found elsewhere in Indonesia. The shape of this temple has similarities to Buddhist stupas in Myanmar, stupas in Vietnam, Sri Lanka or ancient stupas in India in the Ashoka period, ie stupas that have the ornament of a wheel and a lion's head, almost identical to the statue found in Muara Takus temple complex. The lion statue itself is philosophically an element of the temple decoration that symbolizes the good aspects that can defeat the evil aspect or the 'light' aspect that can defeat the 'evil' aspect. In Buddhism the motive of the lion ornament can be related to its meaning with the Buddha, it is seen from the nickname given to the Buddha as 'the lion of the Sakyans'. And the teachings conveyed by the Buddha is also described as a 'voice' (simhanada) that sounds loud in all corners of the wind. In the script Silpa Prakasa written that there are four types of lions are considered good, among others: Udyatā: the lion depicted on both hind legs, his body in a reversed position and looking back. This attitude is called simhavalokana. Jāgrata: a lion depicted with a very savage face (mattarūpina). He was sitting up with his paws lifted up. Often called khummana simha. Udyatā: the lion depicted in a sitting posture with hind legs and usually placed on a high place. Known as jhmpa-simha. Gajakrānta: the lion pictured sitting with his three feet on the elephant king. One forelegs was lifted in front of his chest as if ready to pounce. This lion is called simha kunjara. In Muara Takus temple complex itself there are two temples that have a lion statue, the Temple of Eldest and Mahligai Temple. In Temple Eldest statue lion found in front of the temple or in


Sukuh Temple is a Hindu temple complex which is administratively located in Berjo Village area, Ngargoyoso Subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. This temple is categorized as a Hindu temple because of the discovery of the object of lingga and yoni idol. This temple is considered controversial because of its unusual shape and because the depiction of human genitals explicitly in some of its figures. Sukuh Temple has been proposed to UNESCO to become one of the World Heritage Sites since 1995. Sukuh temple site was first reported during the reign of Great Britain in the land of Java in 1815 by Johnson, Resident of Surakarta. Johnson was then tasked by Thomas Stanford Raffles to collect data to write his book The History of Java. After the reign of Great Britain passed, in 1842, Van der Vlis, Dutch archaeologist, conducted research. The first restoration started in 1928. The location of Sukuh temple is located on the slopes of Lawu Mountain at an altitude of approximately 1,186 meters above sea level at coordinates 07o37, 38 '85' 'south latitude and 111o07 ,. 52'65 '' West Longitude. This temple is located in Hamlet Sukuh, Berjo Village, Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. This temple is located approximately 20 kilometers from the town of Karanganyar and 36 kilometers from Surakarta.Build Sukuh building gives the impression of striking simplicity to the visitors. The impression gained from this temple is very different from that obtained from other large temples in Central Java namely Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple. The shape of the Sukuh temple building tends to resemble the Mayan cultural heritage in Mexico or the Inca cultural heritage in Peru. This structure also reminds visitors of pyramidal forms in Egypt. This impression of simplicity attracts the attention of renowned Dutch archaeologist, W.F. Stutterheim, in 1930. He tried to explain it by giving three arguments. First, the possibility of carving Sukuh Temple is not a mason but a carpenter from the village and not from the palace. Secondly, the temple is made with a little haste so it is less tidy. Third, the political situation at that time with the fall of Majapahit, it is not possible to create a large and magnificent temple. Visitors entering the main entrance and entering the largest archway will see a distinctive architectural form that is not composed perpendicularly but rather oblique, trapezoidal shaped with a roof over it. The stones in this temple is a bit reddish, because the stones are used andesite type .. On the first terrace there is a main gate. In this gate there is a sengkala memet in the Javanese language that reads the blind gate of aban wong ("giant arch of human prey"), each of which has meanings 9, 5, 3, and 1. If reversed it is found in 1359 (Saka) 1437 AD). This year's figure is often regarded as the year of the founding of this temple, although more likely is the year of completion of this gate built. On the other side there is also relief sengkala memet tangible elephant that bite the tail of a snake. This is considered to symbolize the blowing sound of a blind gate ("giant gate biting the tail"), which can also be interpreted as 1359 Saka


Wind Wind Temple is located in the village fighter village, built for the Hindu worship place that is at the north of Java island, in the time of shima queen. This temple was built long before the Borobudur temple. This temple is a place to worship the god of the wind which is known in the universe as the god bayu.Candi Wind wind is located in the village clash fighter, built for the Hindu worship place that is at the north of Java island, in the shima queen age. This temple was built long before the Borobudur temple. This temple is a place to worship the god of the wind which in the universe is known as the god of bayu.Pendiri Temple Wind Temple and Bubrah Temple because Wigotoyoso Resi came to the Village Tempur ago create a temple, this temple is formed itself so the stone comes alone and forms itself into a temple. For the spiritual experts when it comes to the temple of the wind can see there is a whirl of wind in the hole Wind Temple so called wind temple.legenda Wind Temple developed in Hamlet Duplak, Village Tempur, Keling Sub-district, Jepara regency.According to Wind Temple research more old than the Borobudur temple, Wind Temple in signaling is a relic of the Kingdom of Kalingga. Some even assume that this temple was made in ancient humans because there are no Hindu-Buddhist ornaments.


i region of South Malang, precisely in the area of ​​Dusun Kaliputih, Mulyoasri Village, Ampel Gading District there is a Hindu Religion Temple. Candi Jawar is named, a temple located at an altitude of 1400 above sea level. Candi Jawar was found around 1982-1983 with the condition buried in the ground. This temple has a square-shaped floor with a size of 6 × 6 meters with a height of 60cm on the base or batur. Here are four hollow rocks used to erect a pole. While the four sides of this temple is decorated with relief tapak dara dara, pilaster, and lotus. When found the condition was abandoned, but from the discovery there are other relics such as jars, ancient money, sculptures that unfortunately is not visible now because it is an antique that could have changed hands. This temple is used by about 74 Hindu families in Ampel Gading Subdistrict, the building complex was built and renovated on September 9, 2014 so that its function is used as a temple to worship Hindus. That said, the location of the discovery of the temple was used by priests, kings, until the spirtual shop, told when Raden Wijaya used to be the founder of Majapahit often to Candi Jawar close to the Semeru to face Sang Hyang Widhi. Candi Jawar with its soko limo pavement leads to the east, which is right to Mount Semeru. So the arrangement itself is specifically to respect the creator through the Hindu religion. To go there is not too difficult, from the city of Malang travel made to Ampel Gading. This journey is taken for two hours. Then arriving in Mulyosari Village the route will be more challenging, but will be paid with scenic conditions. The cold scent of Mahameru Peak is felt, sometimes in the daytime the fog is still thick to welcome the tourists. Ampel Gading District Apparently Saving Site in the form of Jawar Ombo Temple, the temple was first discovered by local residents in 1983 under still conditions. Until now Ombo Ombo temple is still full of mystery because not many historical studies are revealed from him. As an archaeological relic, the building of Ombo jawar temple holds a high aesthetic value. Here Architecture Building Ombo Temple overlooking Mount Semeru, has a square pedestal measuring 6x6 meters and 60 centimeters high. The floor of the base of the temple there are four hollow stone in the middle. Viewed from the shape, this is estimated as a place of the foundation of a wooden pole with a palm or palm roof. Ombo Ombo temple foot in the form of semicircle and semicircle. The base of the temple is decorated with lotus reliefs, pilasters and treads. The side of the temple building is decorated with five lotuses, four treads of virgin and ten pilasters are placed alternately. Sculptures of human figures were found on the side of this building. The carved reliefs look like puppets, and resemble sculptural styles on the reliefs of Majapahit temples. The entrance of the temple is a stone statue holding a mace, which is thought to be Dwarapala. Given, mace is the most characteristic of the Dwarapala statue. Dwarapala statue is a statue that generally exist in every temple. The reason, Dwarapala is a statue guard gate or door in the teachings of Shiva and Buddhism. Naming Dwarapala itself is taken from Sanskrit which means door guard or gatekeeper. Candi Jawar Ombo is located in Kerukuhan Kaliputih, Muliosari village, Ampel Gading district, Malang regency. To Go to the village can be in use by public transport or private vehicle, but many also young people / motorcycle community that uses the trail bike, around the temple is also suitable For the place Hunting Photos Because Viewnya If not visible cloud dome Mount Semeru If depart from the city of Malang, the domestic and foreign tourists will take 2 hours 49 mins (81.0 km) via Jl. Raya Codo-Wajak and Jl. National III.dan many more cultural preservation sites located in Malang regency.


Candi Tikus is an ancient relic located in Dukuh Dinuk, Temon Village, Trowulan Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency, East Java.location This temple is located in Trowulan complex, about 13 km southeast of Mojokerto city. From the Mojokerto-Jombang highway, at Trowulan intersection, turn eastward, passing Segaran Pond and Bajangratu Temple located on the left side of the road. Rat Temple is also located on the left side of the road, about 600 m from Bajangratu Temple. Rat temple which was originally buried in the ground was rediscovered in 1914. Site excavation was done based on Mojokerto regent report, R.A.A. Kromojoyo Adinegoro, about the discovery of miniature temples in a public cemetery. A thorough restoration was carried out from 1984 to 1985. The name 'Rat' is only a term used by local people. It is said, at the time found, where the temple is located is a nest of mice. No source of written information has been made clear about when, for what, and by whom Rat Temple was built. However, with the miniature of the tower is estimated this temple was built between the 13th century until the 14th M, because the miniature tower is a characteristic of architecture at that time. The Rat Temple-like form of a petirtaan invites debate among historians and archaeologists about its function. Some experts argue that this temple is petirtaan, bathing the king's family, but some experts think that the building is a shelter and distribution of water for the purposes of Trowulan residents. However, the tower in the form of Meru cause allegations that the building of this temple also serves as a place of worship. Rat Temple building resembles a petirtaan or bathhouse, which is a pond with several buildings in it. Almost all buildings are rectangular with size 29.5 m x 28.25 m is made of red brick. Interestingly, it is located approximately 3.5 m lower than the surrounding soil surface. On the top surface there is a wide corridor about 75 cm surrounding the building. On the inside, down about 1 m, there is a broader hall around the edge of the pool. The entrance to the temple is located on the north side, a staircase of 3.5 m width leading to the bottom of the pond. On the left and right foot of the stairs there is a rectangular pool measuring 3.5 m x 2 m with a depth of 1.5 m. On the outer walls each pond is lined with three padded shaped showers (lotus) made of andesite stone. Just facing the stairs, rather into the south side, there is a rectangular building with a size of 7.65 m x 7.65 m. On top of this building there is a 'tower' as high as about 2 m with a roof-shaped meru with flat tops. The tower located in the center of this building is surrounded by 8 smaller type of smaller tower. Around the walls of the foot of the building lined 17 showers (jaladwara) in the form of lotus flowers and makara. Another interesting thing is the existence of two different types of bricks used in the construction of this temple. The foot of the temple consists of a large red brick arrangement that is covered with a smaller red brick arrangement. In addition to the foot of the building, the water shower contained in this temple there are two types, made of brick and made of andesite stone. The difference in building materials used raises the notion that the Rat Temple was built through the stage. In the construction of the foot of the first stage of the temple used a large red brick, while in the second stage used smaller red brick. In other words, the larger red bricks are older than the smaller ones. The red brick shower is thought to be made in the first stage, due to its still rigid shape. The finer stone shower of andesite carvings is estimated to be made in the second stage. However, it is not known exactly when the two stages of development are implemented.


Bubrah temple is located in Tempur village, Tempur sub-district, Jepara regency. Bubrah Temple is a temple located in the village of Tempur. Bubrah Temple can also be said to the gate of Candi Angin, Bubrah Temple is located approximately 500 meters from Candi Angin.Sesuai its name Bubrah temple is a temple building in the form of semi jadi jadi.Berjarak about 2 km to the top [1], Bubrah Temple can be seen is on the left side of the climbing lane. The building consists of two groups. One group in the lower part, and one more group in the higher part. While Wind Temple itself, with the same shape and character as the temple Bubar was at the peak. The existence of Wind Temple and Temple Bubrah because Wigoyotoso came to the Village Tempur Village and then make a temple, this temple is formed itself so the stone came alone and formed itself into a temple. Bubrah Temple [2] seen from the form and the materials used, most likely this temple was made in the days before Borobudur temple dibagun. From the composition of stones, it is obviously man-made in the past. For what purpose, this is what needs to be investigated, '' said Kasi Budaya and Out of School Education, P and K Jepara, Wendar Arinugroho, while reviewing the historical site in.Mitos First Version Formerly in Bubrah Temple is the residence of Gendalisodo Eyang Anoman, Candi Bubrah.Versi Bubrah Temple is the opening place of mahabarata book in the time of Queen Sima (Kingdom of Kalingga)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Sari Temple is also called Bendah Temple is a Buddhist temple located not far from Sambi Sari Temple, Kalasan Temple and Prambanan Temple, which is in the northeast part of Yogyakarta city, and not so far from Adisucipto Airport. This temple was built around the 8th and 9th centuries at the time of ancient Mataram Kingdom with a very beautiful shape. At the top of this temple there are 9 pieces of stupas as seen on the stupa at Borobudur Temple, and arranged in 3 rows parallel. The shape of the temple and carved reliefs that exist on the walls of the temple is very similar to the reliefs in Plaosan Temple. Some of the two-story rooms are just below each stupa, and are thought to be used for meditation places for Buddhist monks (monks) of the early days. Sari temple in the past is a Buddhist monastery, and used as a place to learn and studied for the monks. According to the estimation of this temple was built in the 8th century AD along with the Kalasan temple development, that is during the reign of Rakai Panangkaran. The linkage of these two temples is described in the Kalasan Inscription (700 years Saka / 778 AD). In the Kalasan Inscription it is explained that the religious advisers of Wangsa Syailendra have suggested that Maharaja Tejapurnama Panangkarana, which is thought to be Rakai Panangkaran, built a sacred building to worship the Goddess Tara and a monastery for Buddhist priests. To worship Goddess Tara Kalasan Temple was built, while for Buddhist monastery monastery was built Sari temple. Looking at the overall shape and parts of Sari temple, it is estimated that this temple serves as a dormitory or residence of Buddhist monks. Sari Temple was rediscovered in the early twentieth century in a heavily damaged state. The first restoration took place between 1929 and 1930 led by A.J. Bernet Kempers an archaeologist from the Netherlands. At the time of the first restoration, has not succeeded in restoring the integrity of the original building. This is due to the large number of missing temples. In addition, when first discovered, there are parts of buildings that have been damaged, especially parts that are not made of stone. Sari temple which is now estimated to have a stone fence surrounding the temple. The entrance of the temple is guarded by a pair of Dwarapala statues holding a mace and a snake as it is in front of Plaosan Temple. The story of the Sari Temple development process is documented through the Kalasan Inscription (700 Saka or 778 AD). It is said that in the 8th century AD the Maharaja Tejapurnama Panangkarana (Rakai Panangkaran) was advised by religious counselors to establish monasteries for priests. Sari Temple was later built by Rakai Panangkaran to carry out the advice. The temple with a collection of small stupas at the top of this then becomes a dormitory for the monks. In this place, the monks learn, discuss, carry out religious activities, and forged to then teach their knowledge to the people of Ancient Mataram. In Kalasan Inscription also mentioned that in addition to building monastery for the monks, Rakai Panangkaran also recommended to build a temple as a place to worship the Goddess Tara. So built Kalasan temple, not far from Candi Sari. Sari Temple development allegedly coincided with the construction of Kalasan Temple, it is no wonder if there are many similar resemblance between the two temples from the side of the relief. My other admiration at Candi Sari is the beauty of the reliefs sculpted around Sari Temple both on the walls and arcanya. Sari temple has 36 statues that are almost the same size as the general human being that is 8 statues on the east wall, 8 statues on the south wall, 8 statues on the north wall, and 12 statues on the west wall. Besides statues, sculptures of various shapes also fill the walls of Sari Temple. Kinara Kinari, Suluran, Kumuda, and Kalamakara Relief are so decorative that it does not look spooky to decorate beautifully. Sari temple also has a feature like Kalasan Temple,

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