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Friday, March 30, 2018


Farmers in Tulungagung accidentally found the statue of the gods Illustration of archaeological sites. The photo shows the site building site's excavation found in the homes of residents in Sumberejo Village, Badas Subdistrict, Kediri Regency, East Java, Wednesday (3/12). BPCB excavation team Trowulan, Mojokerto found the structure of the altar building with one stone, the phallus and two statues similar to the structure of similar sites found in Gurah Sub-district, Kediri which is a relic of Kadiri Kingdom (Kediri). (BETWEEN PHOTOS / Rudi Mulya) ... was sitting around when accidentally noticing a stone structure resembling a human head poking above the ground ... Tulungagung, East Java (ANTARA News) - A farmer in the village of Ngrejo, Tulungagung regency, East Java, accidentally discovered a historic archeological object in the form of a god statue while clearing his cornfield in a formerly deforested protected area. As the official description of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Section Head of Cultural and Tourism Section of Tulungagung Regency, Winarto, Sunday, the statue measuring 50 x 80 centimeters was found Surani in the pent-up conditions in the realm. "Pak Surani and some farmers are sitting around unintentionally seeing a stone structure resembling a human head poking above the ground," said Winarto, recounting the chronology of the site's discovery, over the weekend. Do not wait long, Surani assisted some other farmers then do the excavation and found the stone structure shaped statue of the god deity. The news of the archaeological site's findings quickly circulated so that other residents, including activist Pokdarwis (tourism awareness group) Ngrejo, came and conducted a sweep of the ancient artifacts. There are several other structures of rock then found not far from the point where the findings of the statue, including shaped pedestal (foundation pole building), wells or petirtan small and a number of ancient pottery. "Saturday (2/3) we from Budpar Service together the R & D department of Bappeda Tulungagung verify in the field to record the initial findings," said Winarto. But he has not confirmed the type and age of the statue that is now stored in Surani's house in Ngrejo Village, Tanggunggunung Subdistrict. Tulungagung District Authority will still coordinate the Conservation Heritage Preservation Hall of Trowulan to further examine the statue of the god, as well as to excavate around the location of the findings. "Originally we suspect this is a kind of Agastya statue because the structure is similar, but after we discussed it with archaeological friends, the initial conjecture conical to Nandiswara statue," said staff of BPCB Trowulan who served as the manager of Museum Wajakensis Tulungagung, Hariyadi. But he asserted the conclusions are still initial allegations. Certainty about the type of statue and whether there are other sites around the site will be further investigated by a team of archaeologists from BPCB Trowulan, as already coordinated by the Tulungagung regency through the local Culture and Tourism Office. "While waiting for our BPCB Trowulan team, through the tourism office and the village government has asked Pokdarwis and Ngrejo Village residents to help secure the location of the possibility of destruction or looting of ancient objects that are still left behind," said Hariyadi.


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