/> CANDI BOROBUDUR | indonesian stories

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Borobudur temple is the largest temple in the world and is one of the wonders of the world recognized by UNESCO There is no written evidence explaining who built the Borobudur and what is its usefulness. [21] Its development time is estimated based on the comparison between the type of script written on Karmawibhangga's closed legs with the type of script commonly used on 8th and 9th century royal inscriptions. It is estimated that Borobudur was built around AD 800. [21] This time period corresponds to the period between 760 and 830 AD, the peak of the triumph of the Syailendra prefecture in Central Java, [22] which was then influenced by the Sriwijaya Empire. The construction of Borobudur is estimated to take 75 to 100 years and was completely completed during the reign of the king of Samaratungga in 825. [23] [24] There is a confusion of the facts about whether the ruling king of Java was Hindu or Buddhist at the time. The House of Sailendra is known to be a devout adherent of Mahayana Buddhism, but through the findings of Sojomerto inscriptions indicates that they may be originally Hindus of Shiva. [23] It was during this period that various Hindu and Buddhist temples were built on the Kedu Plain. Based on the Canggal Inscription, in 732 AD, the king of Siwa Sanjaya ordered the construction of the Shiwalingga sacred building built in the hills of Mount Wukir, located only 10 km (6.2 mi) east of Borobudur. [25] Borobudur Buddhist temple was built at almost the same time as the temples in Prambanan Plain, though Borobudur is estimated to have been completed about 825 M, twenty-five years earlier before the start of the construction of Siwa Prambanan temple around the year 850 AD The construction of Buddhist temples - including Borobudur - was then possible because the heir of Sanjaya, Rakai Panangkaran granted permission to Buddhists to build the temple. [26] Even to show his respect, Panangkaran conferred the village of Kalasan to the sangha (Buddhist community), for the maintenance and financing of Kalasan Temple built to glorify Bodhisattwadewi Tara, as mentioned in the Kalasan Inscription dates to 778 AD. [26] This clue is understood by archaeologists, that in ancient Javanese society, religion was never a problem that could reap the conflict, with the example of a Hindu king could have supported and funded the construction of the Buddhist temple, and vice versa. [27] But it is suspected that there was a rivalry between the two royal dynasties of that era - the Shia-Siddiya Buddhist and Sanjaya-worshiping Swazha-who later ruled Sanjaya's battle in 856 in the hills of Ratu Boko. [28] Uncertainty also arises about the Lara Jonggrang temple in Prambanan, a magnificent temple believed to be built by the winner Rakai Pikatan as Sanjaya's answer to rival the splendor of Borobudur's Shaytidra, [28] but many believe that there is a peaceful atmosphere of tolerance and togetherness between these two dynasties of Sailendra are also involved in the construction of Siwa Temple in Prambanan Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. This temple is located at approximately 100 km to the southwest of Semarang, 86 km west of Surakarta, and 40 km to the northwest of Yogyakarta. This stupa-shaped temple was founded by Mahayana Buddhists around the 8th century during the reign of Shililendra. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple or temple in the world, H [1] [2] and one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world. This monument consists of six square terraces on which there are three circular courts, the walls are decorated with 2,672 relief panels and originally there are 504 Buddha statues. [4] Borobudur has the most complete and complete collection of Buddhist reliefs in the world. [3] The largest main stupa in the middle as well crowns this building, surrounded by three circular rows of 72 perforated stupas in which there is a buddha statue sitting cross-legged in a perfect lotus position with mudra (hand attitude) Dharmachakra mudra (rotating wheel dharma). Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; every year Buddhists who come from all over Indonesia and abroad gather in Borobudur to commemorate the Trisuci Waisak. In the world of tourism, Borobudur is the single most visited tourist attraction in Indonesia

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