/> indonesian stories

Monday, April 30, 2018


Kethek Temple (read: keţè ', IPA symbol: kəʈɛʔ) is a former site of a temple building with four terraced terraces facing west. Each terrace is connected with stone steps. On the right side of the temple there is a path as an alternative to go to the top terrace. Kethek in Javanese means ape, the name given by locals to this temple because there used to be many apes found in this area.Location Kethek temple is located in the northeast of Ceto temple, on land owned by Perum Perhutani. This temple is located on the northwest slopes of Mount Lawu, and entered the District Jenawi, Karanganyar regency, Central Java. To reach this place, visitors have to walk through the path as far as about 300 m from Ceto Temple, in line with the path leading to Puri Taman Saraswati. The existence of this temple has been reported since 1842, but the excavation / excavation by the Archaeological Heritage Conservation Agency of Central Java in collaboration with the Department of Archeology of Gadjah Mada University and the Government of Karanganyar Regency was only done in 2005.The excavation resulted in the conclusion that the temple of Kethek is a Hindu temple. This is based on the findings of the turtle statue at the bottom step on the first terrace which is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, one of the gods in the Hindu teachings, which sustains Mandaragiri in marine stirring by the gods and giants to get Tirta Amrta in the story of Samudramanthana. The existence of this Samudramanthana story shows the function of Kethek Temple as a place of perwatan to cleanse and free someone from mistake or sin.Until now, research on the temple Kethek still continue, especially to look for inscriptions or artifacts that provide information about the layout and history of the temple.


Candi Kunir is a historical petilasan located in Dusun Kedungsari, Kedungmoro Village, Kunir, Lumajang. The existence of a building base made of brick pairs with size lk. 8 x 8 m, made some archaeologists and historians suspect that this building was originally a temple [1]. In addition there are also found ornaments of clay carvings that are thought to depict the Goddess Durga, ornamental horses, and bells [2].This petilasan was discovered on October 13, 2013 by Supriyadi, a brick maker, who was digging up the yard to get clay as a brick making material [2]. In that little little pit she found pieces of ancient bricks, some reliefs and clay statues. Excavations in adjacent places then get the basic building structure of red brick material. These findings suggest the possibility of ancient places of worship and settlement [3]. It is estimated that this building dates from the Majapahit Empire in the 13th or 14th century [1].The name of the place Kunir (and) Basini is mentioned in Nagarakretagama Book of 22: 4 as the place where King Hayam Wuruk passes on his journey in Lamajang (Lumajang) [4] [5]. Historian Th.G.Th. Pigeaud interprets Kunir in the chronicle as the Kunir area of ​​Lumajang today

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Jabung Temple is one of the hindu temples relics of Majapahit kingdom. This hindu temple is located in Jabung Village, Paiton Subdistrict, Probolinggo Regency, East Java. The structure of the temple building which is only red brick is able to survive hundreds of years. According to religion, Buddhism in Nagarakertagama Candi Jabung is mentioned by the name of Bajrajinaparamitapura. In the Nagarakertagama temple Jabung visited by King Hayam Wuruk on his tour around East Java in 1359 AD. In the book Pararaton called Sajabung is the cemetery Bhre Gundal one of the king's family. The architecture of this temple building is almost similar to Bahal Temple in Bahal, North Sumatra. Jabung Temple stands on a plot of land measuring 35 meters x 40 meters. Physical restoration in 1983-1987, the arrangement of the environment increased by 20.042 square meters and located at an altitude of 8 meters above sea level. Site consists of two main buildings consisting of one large building and one small building and commonly called "Corner Temple". What is interesting is the building material of the temple composed of high-quality red bricks are carved to form a relief. The building is made of bricks and the size of Jabung temple is 13.13 meters long, 9.60 meters wide and 16.20 meters high. Jabung Temple facing towards the west, on the west side jutting forward, is a former staircase up into the temple. In the southwest of the temple yard is a small temple building. The corner tower in estimate the fence, its function as a complement to the main building of Jabung Temple. Temple The corner tower is made of brick material, the temple building is sized each side of 2.55 meters, height 6 meters. The architecture of Jabung Temple is very interesting, consisting of parts of the batur, legs, body and roof, on the body part rounded (cylindrical octagonal) standing on the foot of the temple is three rectangular-shaped square. While on the roof of the dagoda (stupa) but at the top has collapsed and the roof decorated with tendrils. Inside the temple room there is a statue sticks, based on the inscription on the goalkeeper entrance Jabung temple was founded in 1276 saka (1354 AD) during the early reign of King Hayam Wuruk.Batur temple measuring 13.11 meters long, 9.58 meters wide on the batur a narrow narrow passage and several panels of relief depicting everyday life. A recluse wearing a turban face his disciple. Two men who were near the well, one holding the rope timba.Di antarapil-panil there is a round panil protruding a kind of medallion and relifnya in the medallion is worn.Singa facing each other, The body part of the temple there are reliefs of man, house and tree in the southeast corner there is a relief depicting a woman rising on the back of a fish, this relief in Hinduism tells the story of the release of the soul of Sri Tanjung. This story symbolizes the loyalty of a woman to her husband. [3] Relief Sri Tanjung is also found in Penataran Temple in Blitar, Surawana Temple in Kediri and Gapura Bajangratu in Trowulan, Mojokerto. In the center of the body of the temple through the door there are temple chambers measuring 2.60 x 2.58 meters and 5.52 meters high and on the top there is a carved stone covercase. After the base of the body of a square-shaped temple, continued with the body of a cylindrical temple (cylinder) decorated with reliefs and carvings are beautiful and smooth sculpture. Above the wicket doors and niches in all corners are sculpted in shape, at the bottom of the threshold the rectangular shape protrudes out the center of the dragon's head. At the top of the door frame is a stone block there is a rosette sculpture in the middle inscribed the number of saka year 1276 saka or 1354 AD is evidence of the development of Jabung temple.candi jabung


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Discovery of Antiquities of Pajajaran Heritage Stirring Citizens

LEUWILIANG - Residents were shocked after seeing a number of antiquities allegedly relics of the Kingdom of Pajajaran. Antiques of this type of household utensils such as jars, plates, spoons and lampshades, immediately secured the people for fear that the goods are used by a group of people to use mystical items in Kampung Citeureup Dua, Barengkok Village, Leuwiliang District. Metropolitan monitoring on site, this historical treasury allegedly buried thousands of years old that people found when farming. As a result, many residents who came to see firsthand the unique goods allegedly full of mystical by the surrounding residents. To anticipate the occurrence of the queue of residents, the inventor of goods directly immortalize the goods in a closet without having to be held by other residents. Udin (35) landowner admitted surprised that in the field where he was gardening found ancient goods, jars and other types. "This discovery occurred while working in the fields. While digging the ground immediately met. But because of panic, I immediately told the local RT and finally horrendous citizens, "he said. Head of Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Bogor Regency Rahmat Surjana when confirmed related to the discovery of the antiques have not been able to connect.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


stone inscription found in the village Tempuran, District Sooko, Mojokerto regency. Cultural heritage objects (BCB) type of carved stone found exactly in this river dike allegedly a relic of the early Majapahit Kingdom era. That afternoon, Jawa Pos Radar Mojokerto joined blusukan to the location of the discovery of inscriptions in Dusun / Desa Tempuran, District Sooko. To get to the location takes a long time. In addition to its existence is far from the settlement, the community must comb the path in the paddy fields. From that limit, the journey is also continued by walking tens of meters. "This historic object was found by residents at the end of March," said community chairman Mojopahit Lelono (KML) Candra Andi. Candra told, in fact, the existence of this inscription stone has long been known to the public. In fact, not infrequently also as a tumbling when fishing in the river. Unfortunately, people do not think that two large stones right in the river embankment is an ancient object. '' After the village government to know and learn, this stone is actually an inscription, '' bebernya. Conditions are reinforced with scratches on this andesitic stone. Although the invisible scratch in the two bumps of 70 cm in diameter was not so visible, in one of the six hexagons, Candra found there were inscriptions in the form of scratches of symbols. Among them, the symbol resembles the letter S, circle, umbrella, and arrow. '' But, we can not make sure it's a symbol. More real let me be reviewed by the BPCB (Hall Preservation of Cultural Heritage), '' he said. Tempuran Village chief Durman confirmed the findings. He said, actually the site has long been found. However, because the river water that was never receding made it can not be sure. Undoubtedly, the condition also made it difficult to identify. '' Previous big black stone like pedal not far from residential location also we have found. But, around the period 1990-1993 the stone was lost was taken, '' he regrets. Thus, seeing the number of these findings, it is suspected that Tempuran Village and its surroundings are indeed one of the historical heritages that exist in Bumi Majapahit. The condition is also supported by a number of ancient red bricks found residents on the banks of the river. Jumbo-sized bricks are arranged like a foundation of a building. '' Length up to 8-12 meters, '' he said. In addition, previously, an ancient well measuring 3x3 meters with an ancient brick structure not far from the discovery of this inscription is also found. As a first step at the same time to anticipate looting, it will coordinate with BPCB Jatim to immediately do action related to the invention. '' What about next, we will report these findings to BPCB, '' he said. Head of Development and Utilization of BPCB East Java in Trowulan, Edhi Widodo, confirmed, so far the officers have made a review related to the invention of the BCB. In fact, from the results of identification, the symbols in this inscription called similar to sites previously found in the Trawas region. '' Early guess, this early Majapahit relics, the era of King Raden Wijaya, '' he said. Therefore, in an effort to save BCB, in cooperation with the village apparatus, it will make a move. The move was to anticipate the looting of these historic objects. '' If necessary and permitted later this inscription we move to the museum, '' he concluded.

Friday, April 13, 2018


Kadisoka Temple is a temple that has been excavated in part, considered as ancient Hindu sites, in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This temple is listed as a Cultural Heritage Indonesia.Kadikusumo, measuring 6.49 meters by 6.9 meters is located on a plot of land 200 square meters. The soil is planted with several plant species, such as waru and puring. [1] This temple is located in Kadisoka Hamlet, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, part of Kewu Plain. This temple is surrounded by farm fields, with Yellow River flowing 100 meters to the east. The temple is located about 8 kilometers to the north of Sambisari Temple and located at an altitude of 150 meters. This temple is made of andesite stone, the stone is in good condition, with little growth of microbes. Architectural style is considered quite similar to many other temples found in the Plains of Kewu, based on the basic form of a bell and a semicircle. This temple is oriented towards the west, although it missed about 10 degrees. Kadisoka is managed by two people, in charge of cleaning sites, reporting damage, and receiving visitors (be it tourists or pilgrims). Access to the site is rather limited due to the dirt road, which becomes muddy during the rainy season, Kadisoka is estimated to be built around the 8th century. According to Véronique DeGroot, this temple was not completed; He wrote that only about five basic layers of the temple were completed. The temple was buried by lava flowing from the Yellow River at two separate times, estimated at least a century apart. This temple was finally found buried as deep as 3 meters in the ground. The temple at Kadisoka is commonly identified as the Hindu temple of Nusantara, based on the garbagriha (cervical) main layout: at its center, archaeologists have found a hole, a feature expected to be found only in Hindu temples. This temple was rediscovered by a sand miner on December 7, 2000 and reported to the Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall. After a preliminary examination looked promising, in February 2001 the excavation began; and soon found the entire foundation east of the temple and the temple hole. In the hole the excavator found some precious stones, gold, and a box containing a gold plaque carved with lotus flowers. In 2010 most of the temples are still buried.


Candi Kimpulan (also known as Pustakasala temple) is an ancient relic at the campus location of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in Dusun Kimpulan, Umbulmartani Village, Ngemplak Subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The location is located on Jalan Kaliurang km 14.5, this temple was discovered accidentally on December 11, 2009 when the excavation was held for the foundation of UII library development project. [1] The temple is buried about five meters underground. Such as Sambisari temple, Morangan temple, and Kedulan temple, this temple is estimated buried together by eruption of nearby Merapi volcano which erupted about a thousand years ago. The discovery of this temple is the most interesting archaeological discovery in Yogyakarta recently, and it raises speculation about the possibility of other temples still buried by volcanic lava and dust of Mount Merapi. Further research and archaeological excavations were conducted by the Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall ( BP3) Yogyakarta. This temple is clearly Hindu Shiva, and based on the style of carving and the statue shows that this temple was built in the period of the 9th to 10th century during the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. This temple was first discovered by the wider community as UII Temple (Candi Universitas Islam Indonesia), because it was found in UII Campus environment. BP3 named this temple Kimpulan Temple based on the name of the local village. However, UII's Waqf Foundation Foundation proposes another name, Pustakasala which means "library" in Sanskrit. The purpose of this naming is to emphasize the history of the discovery of the temple in the place that the library was originally intended to build. [2] The name is also to describe the nuances of university education, plus the statue of Ganesha found on the site known as the god of science, intellectual, and wisdom.This temple is clearly a Hindu Shiva. However, the architecture of this temple is not unusual, other than the style of temples commonly found in this area. Unlike other Central Javanese temples, the body of the temple and the roof of the stone were not found. This temple is small and simple carving decoration. This temple consists of only a few squares of fenced temple grounds as well as stairs and entrance gates decorated with carved anthiks Kala. Space inside there are statues of Ganesha, Nandi, and Lingga-Yoni. So far the experts suspect that the architectural style and history of this temple is simple. Bodies, columns and temple roofs are most likely made of wood or other perishable organic matter and have been destroyed without leaving the rest. The original shape of this temple may be similar to the Balinese Hindu temple with a meru roof towering from wood, shingle, or roof of fibers. Unlike Prambanan temple, the majestic and luxurious and elegantly beautiful royal temple, Pustakasala Temple may be just a simple village temple built by the general public in a village on the outskirts of the royal capital. The Kimpulan temple museum is located inside the UII library building. Inside this museum stored various artifacts findings of excavation results in the Temple of Kimpulan. These artifacts are, among other things, the periphera box, the peripih content consisting of gold and silver plates, and so on.


Merak Temple is an archaeological relic of a temple complex at Dukuh Candi, Karangnongko Village, Karangnongko Sub-district, Klaten District, Central Java. This location is to the northwest of the Klaten area, bordering on Boyolali and Sleman districts. Merak Temple stands on an area of ​​1480 square meters. The temple complex consists of one main building and three perwara temples. This temple was founded around the 9th-10th century, which is in the days of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. The research on Merak Temple was done since 1925/1926 by the Archaeological Service. Meanwhile, the restoration of Merak Temple is done gradually and in 2011 has been completed with the installation of stone roof caps although the peak has not been found. Around Merak temple there are various other ancient relics such as Karangnongko temple, Kriyan temple, and Bekelan temple. Peacock Temple is a temple with Hindu background. This can be seen from the statues contained in Merak Temple, such as the yoni phallus, the statue of Ganesha and the statue of Durga. In addition there are other statues around the courtyard of Merak Temple like Nandi and other gods in the Hindu religion. Peacock Temple has a building size of 8.86 m long, 13.5 m wide and 12 m high, with a temple complex area of ​​about 2,000 m². In this temple complex, there is one main temple building facing east, and three perwara temple which all three facing to the west. The restoration of Merak Temple is carried out by the Central Java Archaeological Heritage Conservation Hall with the Central Java Provincial APBD fund. The leg part of the body part was completely restored in 2007 and 2010. While the roof of the temple was completed in 2011. The architectural features of the building indicate that this temple is a temple built by ancient Mataram Kingdom as well as Sewu Temple, Prambanan Temple, and Plaosan Temple. In fact, there is a temple estimate is the same age with the temple Bima dieng Temple complex. This can be seen from kudhu and makara which is contained in Merak temple similar to that in Bima temple.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Statue of God Brahma's Head Discovered

Jombang - The statue of a four-headed god Brahma found by Jombang residents, is a symbol of worship in the days of the Majapahit Kingdom. While the location of the discovery is estimated the former shrine of a temple. Head of Protection for Development and Utilization of Heritage Preservation Hall (BPCB) East Java Edhi Widodo said, this afternoon he has reviewed the location of the discovery of the statue of God Brahma. According to him, the statue of the god indicates that the location of the discovery was a place of worship. "The god Brahma is one of the gods in Hinduism, a religion embraced by the Majapahit society, the statue being a symbol of worship," said Edhi. Until now, Edhi continued, the body part of the Brahma statue has not been found. It is estimated that the ancient portion of the body of the statue was lost because the statue found only pieces of god's head. While the location of the discovery itself, said Edhi, estimated the former shrine in the form of temple buildings Majapahit era. However, the condition of the temple has been so badly damaged that it can not be identified by its name or name. "The possibility was once a temple, there are a lot of big-size Majapahit bricks, our estimates are Majapahit's relics, but the beginning or the end do not know yet not found year number, "he explained. The severity of damage that occurred in the former temple, according to Edhi, is not possible to do the restoration. In order to archaeological site is not getting damaged, it will coordinate with Pemkab Jombang for its preservation. "If we can not restore the statue, we will only take the statue to the museum, so we hope the people who find it willing to hand over to us," he said. The four-headed statue of the Brahma godhead was found by Jayadi (38), caretaker of Punden Pandegong, Kwasen Hamlet, Menganto Village, Mojowarno, Jombang in April 2017. At that time Jayadi was digging the roots of the remaining large trees that fell in the punden area. Jayadi deliberately keep the statue in his house without reporting to BPCB East Java and to the Village Government Menganto. He intends to sell this cultural heritage item for the cost of building two tomb buds in punden.

Gempur Temple Digali Back, Researchers Find Dwarapala Statues

The National Archaeological Research Team (Puslit Arkenas) conducted a research by digging some points in the Gempur area of ​​Adan-Adan Village, Gurah Sub-district, Kediri Regency, Monday (9/25/2017). In the second stage of excavation, the team found a Dwarapala Statue in the depth about 1 meter from the ground. The discovery of Dwarapala statue is of course surprising to the researchers because it is beyond estimation. The head of Arkenas Research Center team, Sukmawati Susetyo when found in the research location stated that his side did start again doing research at Ganesh Adan-Adan Gurah Subdistrict area as follow-up research in previous year . But he was also surprised when trying to dig at one point close to the existence of the statue of Makara found again Dwarapala Statue. "For the new Dwarapala Arca we find today. And we are with the team assisted by local residents still doing the excavation at 2 point again. Hopefully there is another surprise for this research more complete, "said Sukmawati Susetyo. As per the agenda, the Arkenas Research Center team started the second phase excavation on Sunday (24/09/2017) until October 3, 2017. "On October 4, 2017 our research mission ended. Previously we will do socialization to the surrounding residents, "said Sukmawati Susetyo.Untuk known Gempur temple is located in the vineyard owned by local villagers Syamsudin. The building of the temple which previously only seemed fragmentary because of this land accumulation is only limited to the thorny fence. The data obtained AGTVnews.com, in the location of the previous Gempur Temple there are only a pair of statues Makara, Andesite stone components that have decorative, ancient bricks and several types sculptures of other statues. However, it can not be ascertained whether the Adan-Adan Gempur Temple is a relic of Mataram Hindu or Kadiri era. With the discovery of the existence of ancestral heritage objects that have a very high historical value, the surrounding residents hope to the government to immediately inaugurate the location as a tourist area, so as to boost the local community economy.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


After the discovery of ancient beji in banjar Mekar Sari, Carangsari Village, Petang District, Badung, now found ancient beji alleged ancient relics on the edge of Penet River, Carangsari Village area, Petang District, Badung recently. Beji is presumably an ancient relic of the local community consisting of ethnic Balinese and Chinese in ancient times. The village of Carangsari is known to be one of the 'bases' of ethnic Chinese civilization that is Buddhist and able to live side by side with ethnic Balinese who believe in Shiva thousands of years ago. Even up to now these two ethnic still synergize each other in the local village of acculturation culture of China and Bali is still thick feel. The proof is in Pura Dalem Puri Carangsari there is one building palinggih for Siwa-Buddha worship. Not only that. The temple is also associated with the Chinese Tombs in the local village. Well, to reach the location of the new beji discovered about three months ago this, must through a pretty challenging terrain, ie on foot. It takes about 30 minutes from the Chinese Tomb to descend the stairs and along the slippery path and through the bushes of the forest on the banks of the Penet River. Especially along the journey many pacet, which is a small animal like a leech that also sucks blood. Therefore, it should be really vigilant. The reason, about five poultry managed to bite the crew legs Bali Express media. Kelihan Pura Dalem Puri Carangsari, I Made Nistrik, 56, said the discovery was accidental. The reason he said, the place was once covered by bushes. "It used to be a shrub. So people do not know if the inside bush is stored beji is quite unique, "he said, Wednesday (14/06/2017) The discovery, he said, originated from a large tree that fell around the beji Lake Hanging which is on the top. "So before Nyepi ago, a big tree near the hanging beji hanging over the top of it fell. Well, when Jro Mangku and youth do gotong-royong cleaning, found this beji, "he explained. Beji is presumably an ancient relic of the local community consisting of ethnic Balinese and Chinese in ancient times. Because the beji is springs decorated with a pile of rocks like the top of the temple and contains some statues, such as the head of Buddha, lion, dragon, and statue like the gods. He estimates, beji is already 'buried' for several generations. The reason, since he became the racial temple, continue his late father, no story or activities that lead to the beji. Moreover, the area is still a forest and the terrain is quite difficult to reach. Therefore, residents are very rare to get there. "My father's alamarhum happened to be Kelihan Pura Dalem Carangsari before me, and for forty years he has never offended this beji," he said. Even so, Nistrik said it has not reported this discovery to the relevant agencies, such as the Department of Culture or Archeology Center. "Not yet. I have not dared to report, because next Sunday, the plan to do gotong royong for on-site cleaning. Because the citizens also do not know yet, so that later I am not considered making it up. After gotong royong new we held further discussion for reporting to related parties, "he explained. Meanwhile, Pamangku Pura Dalem Puri Carangsari, I Nyoman Netra, 51, said the same thing. The existence of the beji is newly known himself while doing the cleaning around the post-fallen tree location. "So fitting clean, youth told me, if there beji. So far the place is covered in bushes. While under it usually ordinary citizens looking for grass to feed livestock, "he explained. With regard to the discovery, Jro Mangku said a racial pacaruan was held around the site. "According to the belief, because it is a place that is considered sacred, ritual cleaning must be done so that there are no undesirable things niskala (occult)," he explained. The origin of the place is still mysterious. I Nyoman Netra who became my new pamangku about one and a half years to replace the previous pemangku who was deceased, said that people visited from Kediri East Java recently. The man originally tangkil to Pura Dalem Puri Carangsari. "Well, got a pole to this beji, suddenly he said he had dreamed about this beji and said the shape exactly the same as in his dream," he said. By the person, Jro Mangku Netra then asked to take care of the place well. "The man advised that lest there be any indiscriminate people who touched this beji, so the pole tried to clean and care for it as much as possible," he explained.

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