/> Candi Jiwa | indonesian stories

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Candi Jiwa

jiwa Temple is located in Batujaya temple complex, precisely in Batujaya and Pakisjaya Districts, Karawang, West Java. Where the Soul Temple is one of the Buddhist relics temples which are even predicted to be older than the Borobudur Temple in Magelang. Besides Candi Jiwa, one of the old Buddhist temples in Indonesia is the History of Sewu Temple in Klaten, Central Java. Besides the Soul Temple in this Complex, there are also 46 points of temples scattered in the Batujaya temple area. And, there is also the possibility of increasing again, because there are still discoveries of new sites around the Batujaya temple complex. Because there are still some temples that are thought to be buried in the ground. Called Batujaya I or the soul temple has a quite mystical history. From the information of residents who inhabit the area near the temple of Jiwa, that formerly the land or mound of land that covered the temple was passed by a goat. And the goat dies for no apparent reason. From there the surrounding community considers the place to have a "soul", because not only once, the goat that passes through the unur dies for no apparent reason.From other sources said that, the word soul comes from "Shiva" which is one of the gods of Hindu religion. This is based on the influence of the Sundanese accent which affects the mention of the name Shiva from time to time so that it becomes the name of the soul. However, this is quite questionable because of some discoveries that purge that this Soul temple is more of a Buddhist temple. Not many sources state the origin of the establishment of the Soul Temple. There are several discoveries found in this Batujaya temple complex. The discovery was in the form of tablets / stone slabs carved with Buddhist reliefs, several types of ceramics, a terracotta inscription that contained Buddhist spells, and many more. This shows that this building is one of the Buddhist heritage buildings. And this is reinforced again by the architect of this temple shaped like a lotus flower which is thought to have a Buddhist stupa on it.From a radiometric analysis of carbon 14 on artifacts that have been found in the Batujaya Bathing Complex, the temples in this complex were made in the 2nd to 12th centuries, including the Jiwa temple. This was indicated by several discoveries of inscriptions and, Chinese ceramics, votive tablets, and stucco statues found in the Batujaya temple complex having absolute china dating and also the palographic writing of inscriptions found. From several sources above the Soul Temple is estimated to be built during the Tarumanegara Kingdom

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