/> Perlak Kingdom: 'Heating' Due to Different Streams to Unite with Samudra Pasai Kingdom | indonesian stories

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Perlak Kingdom: 'Heating' Due to Different Streams to Unite with Samudra Pasai Kingdom

THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PERLAK KINGDOM, more and more Arabs came to trade, both from the Shia and Sunni circles.  They not only trade, but also spread the teachings of Islam that they believe in.  The Sunnis influenced the local elite who were also relatives of the Perlak court.

 Meanwhile, these two sects (Shia and Sunni) continued to spread their influence until they came to the power struggle and open resistance that occurred during the fourth sultan of Perlak, namely Sultan Sayid Maulana Ali Mughayat Syah (915-918 AD). The struggle was finally won by the Sunnis as well as marking the fall of the Sayid or Aziziyah dynasty and the birth of the Makhdum dynasty.  The upheaval in the Perlak Kingdom was more influenced by the differences in the flow of Islam between Sunni and Shia.  This was revealed from the book "Encyclopedia of the Islamic Kingdom in Indonesia, Binuko Amarseto".

 The power struggle between these two Muslim groups led to civil war and bloodshed.  One after another the victorious groups took power from the hands of their rivals, a struggle between Shi'ites and Sunnis for more than four years.  The difference is, the upheaval this time ended with the intention of peace from both of them. The Sultanate was then divided into two parts, Perlak Pesisir (Shia) led by Sultan Alaiddin Syed Maulana Shah (986-988) and Perlak Pedalaman (Sunni) led by Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Shah Johan Sovereign (986-1023). The two leaderships were reunited when one of the two regional leaders, Sultan Alaiddin Syed Maulana Syah died.  He died when Perlak was defeated by the Srivijaya Kingdom.  It was this war condition that evoked the spirit of reuniting the leadership in the Perlak Sultanate.

 Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Shah Johan Sovereign, who initially only controlled Perlak in the interior was later appointed as the 8th Sultan of the Perlak Sultanate.  He continued the struggle against Srivijaya until 1006. The Sultan carried out a policy of friendship with neighboring countries to strengthen his strength to face attacks from the Srivijaya Kingdom.  The Sultan also married his two daughters to the leaders of neighboring kingdoms, such as Princess Ratna Kamala married to the King of the Malacca Kingdom, Sultan Muhammad Syah (Parameswara), and Princess Ganggang was married to the King of the Samudra Pasai Kingdom, Malik Al-Saleh.

 The Perlak Sultanate ended after the 18th sultan, Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Abdul Aziz Johan Sovereign died in 1292. The Perlak Sultanate was eventually merged with the Samudra Pasai Kingdom under the reign of Samudera Pasai who ruled at that time, Sultan Muhammad Malik Al Dhahir who  is also the son of Malik Al-Saleh.  At this time, the Kingdom of Perlak ended 

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