/> The Story of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Imprisoned in Batavia until He Dies | indonesian stories

Friday, August 27, 2021

The Story of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Imprisoned in Batavia until He Dies

The VOC continued to search for Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, and persuaded him to stop the resistance and descend to Banten.  In order to capture Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, the VOC ordered the crown prince of Sultan Abu Nasr Abdul Kahar, known as Sultan Haji to pick up his father.

 Sultan Haji then sent 52 members of his family to Ketos, and on the night before March 14, 1683 Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa's convoy entered Surosowan Palace.  Arriving at Surosowan Palace, Sultan Haji and the VOC immediately arrested Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and imprisoned him in Batavia until he died in 1692. This is revealed in the book "Encyclopedia of Islamic Kingdoms in Indonesia," by Binuko Amarseto. The arrest ended Banten's war against the VOC so that the VOC's power rose in the Banten region.  Even so, the people of Banten still put up a fight even though everything was not so meaningful.

 Not long after that, with the blessing of the VOC, Sultan Haji was crowned the Sultan of Banten (1682-1687).  This coronation was accompanied by several conditions so that the Sultanate of Banten no longer had sovereignty.  These requirements were then set forth in a treaty signed on April 17, 1684. This agreement was signed by both parties, from the Banten side represented by Sultan Abdul Kahar, Prince Dipaningrat, Kiyai Suko Tajuddin, Prince Natanagara, and Prince Natawijaya, while from the Dutch side represented by the Commander and President of the Commission Francois Tack, Captain Herman Dirkse Wonderpoel, Evenhart  van der Schuere, and the Malay captain Wan Abdul Bagus. The agreement clearly negates the sovereignty of Banten because with the agreement everything related to domestic and foreign affairs must be approved by the VOC.  With the signing of the agreement, step by step the VOC began to take control of the Sultanate of Banten and as a symbol of its power, in 1684-1685 the VOC established a fortress in the former fort of the Sultanate which was destroyed.

 In addition, the Speelwijk fort was also established as a form of respect for Speelman who was the Governor General of the VOC from 1682 to 1685. Likewise, Banten as a center of international commerce was closed because there was no freedom to carry out trade politics, except with the permission of the VOC. The suffering of the people became more severe not only because of the purge of the followers of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and high taxes because the sultan had to pay the costs of war, but also because of the VOC trade monopoly.  The people were forced to sell their agricultural products, especially pepper and cloves to the VOC at very low prices.  English, French and Danish traders were expelled from Banten and moved to Bangkahulu, because they helped Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa a lot.

 Under these conditions, it is natural that during the reign of Sultan Haji there were many riots, rebellions, and chaos in all fields caused by the people.  In addition to facing opposition from his own people, Sultan Haji also faced the fact that the VOC was the master who had to obey all his wishes.

 Due to these pressures, Sultan Haji finally fell ill and died in 1687. His body was buried north of the Great Mosque of Banten, parallel to his father's grave.  After the death of Sultan Haji there was a power struggle between his children. 

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