/> Raden Fatah, Founder and First King of Demak who was confirmed as Caliph in the Land of Java | indonesian stories

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Raden Fatah, Founder and First King of Demak who was confirmed as Caliph in the Land of Java

Raden Fatah or Raden Patah was inaugurated by the Sultan of Turkey as Khalifatullah ing Tanah Jawa (Representative of the Islamic Caliphate (Turkey) for the Land of Java) in 1479 ago.

 This statement was made by the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X at the 6th Indonesian Muslim Congress (KUII) in Yogyakarta, 9 February 2015. "In 1479, the Sultan of Turkey confirmed Raden Patah as Khalifatullah ing Tanah Java, the representative of the Islamic caliphate (Turkey) for the Land of Java, by handing over the purple-black Laa ilaaha illallah flag made of Kiswah Kaaba cloth, and a green flag that read Muhammadurrasulullah,"  Sri Sultan said in his speech, at that time. The duplicate is stored in the Yogyakarta Palace as an heirloom, a marker of the validity of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta Hadiningrat representing the Turkish Caliphate.”

 Who really is Raden Fatah?  Adipati Raden Fatah alias Jin Bun with the title Senapati Jimbun or Panembahan Jimbun was born in Palembang in 1455 and died in Demak in 1518.
 Raden Fatah was the founder and first king of Demak and ruled from 1500-1518.

 According to the Chinese chronicle from the Sam Po Kong Temple in Semarang, he had the Chinese name Jin Bun without his surname before him, because only his mother was of Chinese blood.

 Jin Bun means strong person.  The name is identical to the Arabic name "Fatah (Broken)" which means victory.  During his reign, the Demak Mosque was built, and then Raden Fatah was buried there.

 Meanwhile, according to Dutch experts Pigeaud and De Graaf, Australian historian M. C. Ricklefs wrote that the founder of Demak was a Chinese Muslim named Cek Ko-po (Pate Rodin senior). Ricklefs estimates that his son was the person Tomé Pires in his Suma Oriental dubbed "Pate Rodim (Adipati/Patih Rodim)", possibly meaning "Badruddin" or "Kamaruddin" (died circa 1504).Rodim's son or younger brother was known as Trenggono (r. 1505-1518 and 1521-1546), the maker of Demak's superiority over Java.

 In fact, Raden Fatah clashed with the figure of Trenggono, the third king of Demak, who ruled from 1505-1518, then 1521-1546.

 There are various versions about the origin of Raden Fatah.  According to the Babad Tanah Jawi, Raden Fatah was the son of Brawijaya, the last king of Majapahit (version of the Babad Tanah Jawi) from a Chinese concubine.This Chinese concubine is the daughter of Kyai Batong (aka Tan Go Hwat).  Because Queen Dwarawati, the empress who came from Campa was jealous, Brawijaya was forced to give a Chinese concubine to his eldest son, Arya Damar, regent of Palembang.

 After giving birth to Raden Patah, the daughter of China married Arya Damar (aka Swan Liong), and gave birth to Raden Kusen (aka Kin San).

 According to Purwaka Caruban Nagari, the Chinese concubine's real name was Siu Ban Ci, daughter of Tan Go Hwat and Siu Te Yo from Gresik.  Tan Go Hwat is a merchant and also a scholar with the title Shaykh Bantong (aka Kyai Batong).

 According to the Chinese chronicle from the Sam Po Kong temple, the nickname when Raden Fatah was young was Jin Bun, the son of Kung-ta-bu-mi (aka Bhre Kertabhumi alias Brawijaya V) the king of Majapahit (Pararaton version) from a Chinese concubine. Then a Chinese concubine was given to a half-Chinese blood named Swan Liong in Palembang.

 Swan Liong was the son of Yang-wi-si-sa (aka Hyang Purwawisesa or Brawijaya III) from a Chinese concubine.  From this second marriage, Kin San (aka Raden Kusen) was born.

 This Chinese chronicle reports that Jin Bun's birth year was 1455. Perhaps Raden Fatah was born when Bhre Kertabhumi was not yet king (reigned 1474-1478).

 According to the history of Banten, the founder of Demak was named Cu Cu (Gan Eng Wan), the son (or subordinate) of the former Chinese prime minister (Haji Gan Eng Cu) who moved to East Java.  Cu Cu served in Majapahit and was instrumental in crushing the rebellion of Arya Dilah, the regent of Palembang.

 This news is quite strange because in the Chronicle of Tanah Jawi, Arya Dilah is another name for Arya Damar, Raden Fatah's adoptive father.

 Furthermore, for his services, Cu Cu became the son-in-law of the king of Majapahit and became the regent of Demak with the title Arya Sumangsang (Aria Suganda).  Although there are various versions, it is said that the founder of Demak had relations with Majapahit, China, Gresik, and Palembang.

 The Chronicle of Tanah Jawi states that Raden Fatah refused to replace Arya Damar as regent of Palembang.  He fled to the island of Java accompanied by Raden Kusen.

 Arriving in Java, both studied at Sunan Ampel in Surabaya.  Raden Kusen then served in Majapahit, while Raden Fatah moved to Central Java to open the Glagahwangi forest into a pesantren.

 The longer Glagahwangi Islamic Boarding School is progressing.  Brawijaya (aka Bhre Kertabhumi) in Majapahit was worried that Raden Fatah was planning to rebel.  Raden Kusen, who at that time had been appointed Duke of Terung, was ordered to summon Raden Fatah.

 Raden Kusen confronted Raden Fatah to Majapahit.  Brawijaya (identified as Brawijaya V) was impressed and finally accepted Raden Fatah as his son. Raden Fatah was appointed as regent, while Glagahwangi was renamed Demak, with the capital city named NCO.

 Meanwhile, according to Chinese chronicles, Jin Bun moved from Surabaya to Demak in 1475. Then, he conquered Semarang in 1477, as a vassal of Demak.

 This made Kung-ta-bu-mi (aka Bhre Kertabhumi) in Majapahit restless.  However, thanks to the persuasion of Bong Swi Hoo (aka Sunan Ampel), Kung-ta-bu-mi is willing to recognize Jin Bun as a child, and formalize his position as regent in Bing-to-lo (Chinese spelling for Bintoro).

 According to the chronicle and fiber manuscripts, Raden Fatah had three wives.  The first was the daughter of Sunan Ampel, who became the main consort, giving birth to Raden Surya and Raden Trenggono.  Each successively, then ascended the throne, holding the title Prince Sabrang Lor and Sultan Trenggono.

 The second wife, a daughter from Randu Sanga, gave birth to Raden Kanduruwan.  This Raden Kanduruwan during the reign of Sultan Trenggono was instrumental in conquering Sumenep.

 The third wife was the daughter of the regent of Jipang, who gave birth to Raden Kikin and Ratu Mas Nyawa.  When Prince Sabrang Lor died in 1521, Raden Kikin and Raden Trenggono competed for the throne.

 Raden Kikin was eventually killed by Raden Trennggono's eldest son, Raden Mukmin alias Sunan Prawata, on the river bank.  Therefore, Raden Kikin was nicknamed Prince Sekar Seda ing Lepen, meaning the flowers that fell in the river.

 The Chinese chronicle only mentions two sons of Jin Bun, namely Yat Sun and Tung-ka-lo, who are identical to Prince Sabrang Lor and Sultan Trenggono respectively. 

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