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Thursday, June 24, 2021

the batu tulis site

   The Batu Tulis inscription site is located in Batu Tulis village, Sukasari Bogor.  This site is a relic of the Pajajaran Kingdom.  The inscription was made in 1533M (1455 Saka) by King Surawisesa (1521-1535M) who was the successor of the Padjajaran Kingdom  the inscription complex, one can find the Stone Tread (the former soles of King Surawisesa's feet), a stone table that used to be a place for offerings at every celebration, a stone that was used as a throne for the inaugurated king, a stone phallus and five stone pillars which are clowns (accompaniment-guard-carriers).  ) of the stone phallus.

 This stone phallus is a former royal heirloom stick of Pajajaran which symbolizes fertility and strength.  About 200 meters from the inscription complex, namely in the Panaisan area which is the former Pajajaran royal square, you can also find 4 stone areas.

 The four areas are the statues of Purwakali, Gelak Nyawang, Kidang Pinanjung and Layung Jambul on the right of which are the Mahaguru, bodyguard, and caretaker of Prabu Siliwangi.

 “Unfortunately now this stone statue has no head.  It was stolen by someone,” said the site caretaker, Maemunah.

 The strength and majesty of Prabu Siliwangi is believed to reside in the Slate so as to provide protection to the country from enemy attacks and give strength to the reigning King.

 The power in question is the inner strength of King Siliwangi with the previous kings who continue to overshadow and protect the kingdom with the energy of love and compassion.

 The implicit meaning of the Slate inscription which is actually a 'treasure' from the Kingdom of Padjajaran is a 'noble teaching' from Prabu Siliwangi about the nature and character: Silih Asih - Asah - Asuh  Loving or loving each other, sharpening each other by actively discussing, exchanging ideas, and caring for each other fill in life.

 "This is what should be understood and done as a real child of the nation," he said.

 The slate is the place of coronation for the kings of Pajajaran, including King Siliwangi (1482-1521).  Siliwangi from the word Asalih Fragrant or changing names.

 Prabu Siliwangi has the title Prabu Guru Dewata Prana.  Then he was crowned again for the second time with the title Sri Baduga Maharaja Ratu Haji at Pakuan Pajajaransri Sang Ratu Dewata.

 While in power, Prabu Siliwangi built the Pajajaran moat and fort (now the traces of which can be seen behind the Pusdikzi Lawang Gintung dormitory.

 Another legacy is making a memorial in the form of mountains, Samida forest, Rena Naha Wijaya lake which is famous for Lubuk Sipatahunan (the former is in the Bogor Botanical Gardens).

 The Slate was made during Suwawisesa, the son of King Siliwangi (1521-1535) when he was in power.  This inscription is dedicated to his late father to boast of his genealogy and the greatness of his father's work.

 At that time, the Batu Tulis area was used for religious ceremonies, so that Sri Baduga Maharaja, who was considered to be residing in the phallus (symbol of fertility) as a sign of his power, was able to protect the country threatened by the enemy.

 In the Batu Tulis area, there are 15 stone relics of the type of terracite found along the Cisadane stream.  Six stones inside the cupola, one stone on the terrace and eight stones on the outside.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

site ngurawan

The traffic flow on the Madiun-Ponorogo highway is heavy.  The fumes of the vehicle combined with the scorching heat.  Exactly, in Ngrawan Hamlet, Dolopo Village, Dolopo District, Madiun Regency, the Ngurawan site was found.  The excavation or excavation has not been completed.  The history behind the Ngurawan site is still a mystery.

 A stone's throw from the Nguwaran site, there is a house building where part of the living room has been transformed into a storage room for ancient objects.  The room is 8 meters wide and 12 meters long and has eight glass cabinets.  Each cupboard contains various archaeological objects from the Ngurawan site excavation.

 Suhanto or who is familiarly called Gatot, the owner of the house greets every visitor.  He is the owner of the house, part of the yard in the north of the house is the location for the excavation of the Ngurawan site.  Gatot told his late father, Sarnu, that there was a hidden building behind the house.  This story has been passed down from generation to generation by Gatot.  Residents also accidentally found various archaeological objects when digging the ground for brick raw materials.

 After 20 years of his father's death, in March 2016 Gatot dug a plot of land behind his house.  Five people were employed assisted by local residents.  Before digging, he asked the village government and the police for permission.

 “The government of Madiun Regency, he said, has already decided.  However, the land is still owned.  My own land.  The yard of the house," explained Gatot. In particular, the Yogyakarta Archeology team called the Ngurawan Site a classical period settlement site.  Crock, pottery, plates, and jugs show the peculiarities of the Majapahit period.  Also found pots from the Ming Dynasty, around the 14th and 15th centuries AD.

 Classical settlement sites also refer to brick-walled buildings.  Archaeologists suspect this building is a hydrological building.  Related to water management.  Because not far from the building, there is a river.  Until now the river is still flowing fast.

 In the past, the people who lived were Shiva or Hindu.  Around the Ngrawan Mosque, a statue of Dewi Parwati was found.  According to Hindu mythology, Parvati is the daughter of a mountain king from the Himalayas named Himawan.  Parvati is also considered the second wife of Shiva.

 Around the tomb behind the mosque, Yoni was found 60 centimeters high and 90 centimeters long.  Yoni is a symbol of fertility.  During the development of Hinduism, Yoni was a symbol of Goddess Parvati, the wife of Lord Shiva.  Yoni is the pedestal for the phallus or statue.

 In addition, it was also found that there was a topim that strengthened the existence of a kingdom in the region.  That is the area called "Kedaton" or "puntuk dhaton".  Another more powerful toponym is the name of the region itself.  Ngrawan village.  Reminiscent of the name Ngurawan.

 According to T.M.  Rita Istari, Chair of the Yogyakarta Archaeological Team (2017: 21), there are at least three inscriptions that mention the name Ngurawan or a name similar to Ngurawan.  First, the Mula-Malurung Inscription (1177 Caka or 1255 AD).  The inscription is in the form of 10 pieces of copper plates issued by the Kadiri Kingdom and given to Mula Village and Malurung Village.

 In the inscription it is stated that the Bracelet-gelang kingdom is in "Bhumi Wuruwan" while the Daha kingdom is in "Bhumi Kadiri".  The text in this inscription is considered stronger than the Pararathon and Nagarakertagama manuscripts.

 Second, the Taji inscription (823 Caka or 901 AD).  This Old Javanese inscription was issued by Rakryan I Watu Tihan Mpu Sanggramadurandara to inaugurate the priest's dormitory or kabikuan in Taji Hamlet, Bracelet Panaraga Village.  This inscription clearly mentions officials in the Bhurawan area.  Identical to the name Ngurawan.

 Third, the Pucangan inscription (951 Caka or 1029 AD).  It is said that King Airlangga attacked Wuratan.  The word Wuratan is close to Ngurawan.  In the Old Javanese language, "tha" and "wa/va" ​​have similarities.  So, Wurawan could be transcribed Wuratan.

 The existence of the Gelang-gelang kingdom or Ngurawan is still a matter of debate so far.  The epigrapher from the Netherlands, N.J.  Krom mentions that the Kingdom of Bracelets is the same as Daha or Kadiri.  However, this was denied by Prof.  Dr.  Raden Mas Ngabehi (Lesya) Poerbatjaraka, an expert on Ancient Java.  He said that based on the banner script, the Bracelets were located in the west of Mount Wilis, Pagotan/pagutan.  Meanwhile, the Yogyakarta BALAR team believes that based on the definition, Bracelets are closer to the village of Gelang which borders the villages of Glonggong and Ngrawan, Dolopo District.

 If you look at classical literary works in Sunda, Central Java, East Java, the word "Ngurawan" or "urawan" is indeed more popular than the name Bracelets.  Likewise in the Panji script.  There are three kingdoms that are often mentioned: Jenggala-Daha/Kediri, Singasari, and Ngurawan.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The discovery of a Cultural Heritage Site in Bulusari village, Gempol district, Pasuruan district, East Java province.

On Friday, December 25, 2020 at 09.15 WIT, residents of Blimbing Hamlet, Bulusari Village, Gempol District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province were excited by the discovery of an ancient brick structure, namely the existence of an ancient brick with a diameter of 35 cm long x 20 cm wide x thick  12 cm.
 The discovery of the ancient brick structure was precisely at the location of the Blimbing hamlet, RT 01/RW 11, Bulusari village, Gempol district, Pasuruan district, which is adjacent to the Curing river.

 When the Merdeka Post journalist team came to the location to ask for information from Mr. H Moch Atim (54 years old) as the regional head of Blimbing hamlet and Imron (29 years old) as the head of the Blimbing hamlet Youth Organization, they took turns giving explanations. The first to discover this ancient brick masonry structure, then I reported it to Mr. H Moch Atim as the regional head of Blimbing hamlet,” said Brother Imron.
 "After receiving a report from the head of the Youth Organization for the discovery, I invited the youth organization and local residents to the location and after it became clear the ancient brick placemat, I immediately contacted the BPCB representative of the Pasuruan district," said Mr. H Moch Atim.

 Alkhamdulillah, on Saturday, December 26, 2020 representatives of the BPCB came directly to the location and gave an initial analysis that the discovery of this ancient brick placemat structure was a royal relic and cultural heritage.
 This finding has been directly submitted to the BPCB Trowulan Mojokerto district and God willing, in early January 2021 will conduct a review of the location of the discovery in Blimbing hamlet, Bulusari village, Gempol district, Pasuruan district.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

the adan adan site

The Adan-adan site (some call it the Gempur Temple Site) is one of the locations for archaeological sites in the form of finding historical objects such as temple foundation rocks, Makara, a drainage system (irrigation) in the form of (allegedly) reservoirs, ceramic shards and several statues from the era.  The kingdoms of Kadiri and Singosari are located in Adan-adan Village, Gurah District, Kediri Regency, East Java.The findings of this site are located around residential areas which are also adjacent to the Serinjing River Watershed (DAS) which is the cold lava flow area of ​​Mount Kelud. It is strongly suspected that this site was buried by an 11-layer thick layer of volcanic ash from Mount Kelud before it was discovered.[9]  In addition, the construction of this temple was disrupted by several disasters such as the eruption of Mount Kelud and a major flood from (temporarily suspected) the Serinjing River.The team responsible for the findings of this site is the National Archaeological Research Center Team (Puslit Arkenas).[9]  The team found the structure of the temple building made of stone and brick with an angle measuring 8 X 8 meters. According to the team's research, this site was built in the 11th century although the area of ​​Kediri and its surroundings has indeed been a cultural center since the era of Mpu Sindok in the 9th century.[9]  In fact, there are sources that say this site is the same age as the era of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom.[3]  Referring to the findings of 2016 and 2017, there will be a large-scale excavation plan in 2019.[11]  However, when archaeological objects were found at the site, soil was filled by the National Archaeological Research Center Team (Puslit Arkenas).[12]  The hope of the research team is that a monastery is also found near the site location because there are findings in the form of a participation system.[4]  Apart from Adan-adan Village, similar findings were also found in Wonorejo Village, Semanding, Pagu District, Kediri.The rock finds in Wonorejo Village itself are considered unusual because the rock shapes found are octagonal (octagonal).  )

 In fact, there has been a similar excavation conducted by BP3 Trowulan in the 1990s which refers to Makara's findings in this area in the 1970s. However, when excavations were carried out at that time, there were many strange events such as the rock bottom that collapsed from the previous 3 meters to 5 meters to local residents who went crazy because of urination in the location around the site.[15]  In addition, local residents tried to maintain the purity and sanctity of this site when it was first discovered before it was decided to open to the public in 2016.[6]  In addition, according to Novi Bahrul Munib (an archaeologist from Kediri), the Red and White flag belonging to the Majapahit Kingdom is thought to have come from this site because the Red and White Flag belonging to the Majapahit Kingdom is similar to that of the Jayakatwang Troops from Kediri.[16]

 When re-excavation was carried out on July 1-15 2019, several researchers found several interesting discoveries.The findings include: the Dhyanibuddha Amitabha Arca Fragment, the statue's pedestal fragment, and the Bodhisattva statue's head.These findings indicate that the relics of the Adan-adan Site include the relics of the Mahayana Buddha

Sunday, June 13, 2021

the site of siti inggil

The site of Siti Inggil is a petilasan of Raden Wijaya with the title Kertarajasa Jawawardhana or Brawijaya I which became a milestone in the early birth of Majapahit in 1293 AD.

 Siti Inggil's site is located in Kedungwulan Hamlet, Bejijong Village, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency.During his childhood, Raden Wijaya was called by the name Djoko Suruh.  Petilasan is in the form of a tomb with a length of about 2 meters more.  Considering that in the Majapahit era, there was a 'virtuous' religion, with some Hindus not burying their bodies.  It is Islam that teaches funerals through the da'wah of the Walisongo.

 The people of the Majapahit era knew him by the term mukso (disappearing) or being cremated.  This ash is then stored in the temple or washed away into the sea.  This site is also known as Lemah Geneng, which means the same as Siti Inggil, namely a high place or high ground.

 Inside the Siti Inggil complex, there are five tombstones, namely the headstone of Raden Wijaya who holds the title Kertarajasa Jayawardhana, the founder of the Majapahit Kingdom.  Then the grave of Ghayatri (Raden Wijaya's empress) and his two concubines named Dhoro Pethak and Dhoro Jinggo, as well as abdi kinasih.

 The first concubine was called Ndoro Petak because her skin was white and she came from China.  While the second concubine was called Ndoro Jinggo because her skin was yellow and she was an honorable woman from Cambodia.  In addition there are also tombs of abdi kinasih or courtiers of Hayam Wuruk and the empress.

 Raden Wijaya's shrine is believed to be the place where Raden Wijaya first founded the Majapahit kingdom, here it is also believed to be his final resting place.  Among several buildings in the Siti Inggil complex, the Pamujan Studio building.As the name implies, this studio is a place of worship that is said to have been used by Raden Wijaya to meditate or meditate.  It was in the building which was about 3 x 3 meters above ground level that for the first time Raden Wijaya received the 'Revelation of Keprabon'.

 In this place, Raden Wijaya received a magical wangsit or whisper to establish the Majapahit Kingdom.  In the Siti Inggil complex there are also two tombs, in addition to their position outside the main building complex, these two tombs are right on the left before entering the petilasan building which is always locked.In addition, there is also an old well which is still in use today.  Almost every day there are always visitors who come from various regions.  Even on certain days, such as Legi Friday and the night of one Suro, this site is crowded with visitors from the Mojokerto area, to Bali.

 Not a few figures and officials visited to make pilgrimages and visit historical sites ranging from politicians, local officials, state officials, businessmen to even the President's class.  A number of Presidents have visited this site, starting from Soekarno, Suharto, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Gus Dur.

 The official's visit was carried out since the era of President Soekarno.  They made a pilgrimage to the Siti Inggil Site in the hope of getting luck or blessings from Raden Wijaya who succeeded in uniting the archipelago.  Because there is an assumption from many circles that this place can give the throne or position to everyone who comes if done regularly.

 The caretaker of the Siti Inggil site, Sukirno, said this tomb was not the place where Raden Wijaya's body was located, but only some of the ashes from his body were cremated.  "This place is believed to be able to answer prayers related to positions or positions.  Many come here, from regional heads, councils to the president," he said

Saturday, June 12, 2021

the site of ngawonggo

Nanasan Hamlet, Ngawonggo, Tajinan turned out to be an important site that has special value.  An archaeologist from the State University of Malang Dwi Cahyono explained this matter.

 Ngawonggo is referred to as an ancient village whose existence is written in the Wurandungan Inscription issued on Wednesday, November 7, 944 AD or during the time of King Mpu Sindok in the Medang Kingdom.  In the inscription, Ngawonggo Village is called Kaswangga.  A village that became a means of Kadewaguruan in the past.

 In the inscription it is called the five heavens which become kadewaguruan, the five positions are spread out.  If in the westernmost position it is in Ngabab Village based on the Selabradja inscription, then on the east side there is Kaswangga.

 "One heaven is in Ngabab Village with the name Awaban, while the other is in Kaswangga which may be here," he said.

 Three other heavens named Pangawan heaven are located in the north of Malang which is around the Pakis-Jabung sub-district.  Then the Kahyangan Kagotran in the middle part of Malang and the Panghulun heaven in the southern part of Malang.

 Dwi Cahyono explained that the site in Ngawonggo is very special because it is the only site in East Java whose position is on a river bank.  Rivers are closely related to the pattern of life of ancient people.  No wonder then that around the village a lot of ancient tools were found such as ancient bricks, jars, stone mortars and terracotta fragments.

 The old age is supported by its geographical location, which is on the ancient route, which connects the Tumpang and Turyyan (Turen) areas, so that Kaswangga became a fairly strategic and advanced village in its era.

 Unique relief on the Ngawonggo site.

 The river is also a place of self-purification.  Dwi estimates that there are three blocks of bathing pools that are interconnected with each other, each of which has a shower.

 "There are a lot of traces of ancient settlements here and the rest are still there today," he said.

 In Malang, there are many patirtaan which are places to purify oneself.  However, the one in Ngawonggo is quite special because it is made by following the cliff path so that its shape follows the contours of the Manten River cliff.

 "It still needs more in-depth research to see the extent of the patirtaan, because the details are indeed very interesting and unique, because I think this is a sacred shrine because there are so many symbols that show sacredness," said Dwi.

 In the future, the results of Dwi Cahyono's research will immediately be reported to the Cultural Conservation Preservation Center (BPCB) and will then be submitted directly to the Malang Regency Government how well.

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