/> The discovery of a Cultural Heritage Site in Bulusari village, Gempol district, Pasuruan district, East Java province. | indonesian stories

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The discovery of a Cultural Heritage Site in Bulusari village, Gempol district, Pasuruan district, East Java province.

On Friday, December 25, 2020 at 09.15 WIT, residents of Blimbing Hamlet, Bulusari Village, Gempol District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province were excited by the discovery of an ancient brick structure, namely the existence of an ancient brick with a diameter of 35 cm long x 20 cm wide x thick  12 cm.
 The discovery of the ancient brick structure was precisely at the location of the Blimbing hamlet, RT 01/RW 11, Bulusari village, Gempol district, Pasuruan district, which is adjacent to the Curing river.

 When the Merdeka Post journalist team came to the location to ask for information from Mr. H Moch Atim (54 years old) as the regional head of Blimbing hamlet and Imron (29 years old) as the head of the Blimbing hamlet Youth Organization, they took turns giving explanations. The first to discover this ancient brick masonry structure, then I reported it to Mr. H Moch Atim as the regional head of Blimbing hamlet,” said Brother Imron.
 "After receiving a report from the head of the Youth Organization for the discovery, I invited the youth organization and local residents to the location and after it became clear the ancient brick placemat, I immediately contacted the BPCB representative of the Pasuruan district," said Mr. H Moch Atim.

 Alkhamdulillah, on Saturday, December 26, 2020 representatives of the BPCB came directly to the location and gave an initial analysis that the discovery of this ancient brick placemat structure was a royal relic and cultural heritage.
 This finding has been directly submitted to the BPCB Trowulan Mojokerto district and God willing, in early January 2021 will conduct a review of the location of the discovery in Blimbing hamlet, Bulusari village, Gempol district, Pasuruan district.

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