/> CANDI BHRE KAHURIPAN | indonesian stories

Saturday, October 10, 2020


 The ancient building buried in the Bhre Kahuripan Site or the Tribuana Tungga Dewi petilasan in Klinterejo Village, Sooko District, Mojokerto Regency, was finally revealed.

Archaeologists say that the mixed structure of red bricks and andesite stones found underground was a temple built by King Hayam Wuruk in the year 1294 Saka or 1372 AD specifically to make a dedication to his mother, Tribuana Tungga Dewi.

"If you look at the final results, especially in the western sector, it seems that the basic pattern of this building is similar to the Penataran Temple and the Jago Temple," said the archaeologist of the State University of Malang (UNM), Ismail Lutfi.

It's just that, although usually to enter the main temple area there are two roads side by side, during the 12 days of the excavation process, , the site is on an area of ​​about 24 x 24 square meters, East Java BPCB has just found one section in yoni side.

Like any other temple. The Tribuana Tungga Dewi site functions as a temple or place of worship for Hinduism during the Majapahit era. Although so far by many people it is still considered a grave or a petilasan. '' However, we have strong evidence. Every time you do excavation and the history of the temple in it, you never find the remains of a body. There never was. So, the most powerful, the temple as a temple or place of worship, "he explained.

Lutfi explained, the Bhre Kahuripan temple was built in 1294 Saka or 1372 AD The number of the year is very absolute because it is engraved on one side of the yoni. This means that this temple was built by King Hayam Wuruk as a temple to give homage to his mother, Ratu Tribuana Tungga Dewi. This too is considered plausible.

Following this, Tribuana Tungga Dewi died in 1372 AD '' The number of years is not related to the living person. But, who is glorified here. So that the emergence of interpretations of figures that came before Hayam Wuruk, namely his mother, Tribuana Tungga Dewi, "he said.

When touched on the finding of a mixed structure of red bricks and andesite stones, Lutfi emphasized that this was a natural combination. Moreover, the Majapahit era, even before the Majapahit Kingdom was the same. He said, the combination of brick and andesite stone is very good. He mentioned, buildings that appear to be stone outside are often found in red bricks.

'' For example, in Central Java there is Sewu Temple. In Sewu Temple, on the outside everything is stone, but inside there are bricks, ”he said. Why is that, Lutfi explained, because there is a concept related to the symbolism issue of the brick itself. This is because bricks can be said to represent Panca Maha Bhuta.

'' The five elements of life in the universe. It is represented by a brick. So, even though the skin is all stone, the inside is still brick, "he explained. The excavation process of Bhre Kahuripan Temple is the first stage. As a result, the BPCB East Java archaeologists in Trowulan found a mixed structure of red bricks and andesite stones.

This finding is in the form of an ancient brick structure along the 24.5 meters in the form of a fence, and the andesite stone which is thought to be a floor. The building made of andesite stone measuring 13.60 meters is located between the fence and the yoni or in the northern part of the yoni. Meanwhile, the structure found on the west side of the Yoni has steps that resemble stairs.

The top is made of ancient bricks. While underneath is composed of seven layers of andesite stones. Apart from the structure of the building, the excavations also found fragments of clay and andesite stones. These fragments of tiles and carved stones are thought to show the similarity of the period to the Upas Sumur and Grogol sites in Trowulan, as relics of the Majapahit Empire.


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